Chapter 30: His Doubts

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"Kirishima," Deku lightly pushed him away, looking at the darkness in a glance. "I'm not... I don't want your help, I'm sorry."

Kirishima looked at him in disbelief. Concerned by his decision, he didn't let go of his arms.

"Midoriya, you're safe now. You don't have to worry about him anymore if I take you to the cops. They promised you wouldn't be put to jail but sent to a mental hospital," he tried to clarify as if it were a great deal. Deku, however, thought that being sent to a hospital would be just as a burden as being in prison. Not to mention it wouldn't annul all of his problems, just extend his years doing nothing behind concrete walls in which would treat him as if he were insane. He stepped farther from his friend.

"I'm sorry," he went ahead hurrying to the woods in which darkness was labeled as its path, but he grabbed his arm again.

"What do you mean, Midoriya? Don't tell me you want to go back! This is your chance of fixing everything! A chance to fix your anterior life! What about being a hero? It has been your dream for years!" He got nervous, and downright depressed. His friend Midoriya was blinded by the dangers of resistance, and all he could do was to convince him. The green-haired stared down, obviously awaiting for his termination of words in order to continue his already-made thought.

"I never said I needed to be saved," Deku replied, snatching his wrist from the other's hold. "If I want to be become a hero, I would like to do it alongside him," he stepped back slowly, seeing how Kirishima's face became hopeless and saddened more to his reponse. Not waiting another second, he stomped to the woods at the right, leaving in isolation at the black-haired, revolved by all sorts of conflicting thoughts.

Kirishima refused to be useless. He didn't want to be the same person who dangerously left him with that psycho. Instead, to be the one to restore his mental stability and return him his eternal happiness. Gripping his shaking fingers, he stared at the pitched dark, planning to follow the green-haired who was descending further from his vision.

Crunching the leaves, shoving away his worry concerning the police who were probably directing to his coordinate, the frightened jostled by every approaching log. Numerous tall trees blocked his run, not looking back nor having the time to be scared of his lack of visibility. The only monument he would like to cross by was Kacchan, not these obstacles that stood on his trail.

It was then that three tensed officers were heard, their voices expressing their agitation into capturing the most wanted criminal at that moment. Deku stopped, walking backward but not breaking his gaze at the conciously-moving flashlights from the police. They sprinted straightfully with a great chance that they knew where Bakugo was running. He tried to tail him as well by, instead, going to an opposite direction that wouldn't lead to them.

"He went over here! Don't go elsewhere, he might be near!" One of them shouted.

A difficult task, it was. Knocking his forehead on naked branches reminded him of Kirishima, but he shoo-ed the guilty memory. Panting beneath the oppressed atmosphere, the white lights shut out of the sudden, ceasing from its usage. Where did the officers went? Did they trip? Did they take a turn? Either way, his only source of finding Kacchan was lost. He said to go east, but his desperation had resulted into the abrupt act of stepping far enough to anywhere.

Numbed by fear, his body shivered, switching his head in anxiety as he couldn't see anything except the outline of the trees. Any person out there hiding could be hidden behind the trunks, behind the darkeness that would cover their forms into a part of the bushes.

Calling out for Kacchan's name was stupid. If he wasn't nearby, he would attract anyone's attention. As much as keeping his mouth quiet sent a cold breeze to his skin, it was for the best.

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