Chapter 44: My Adherent Sorrow

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We weren't different, we were the same. So why would I be behind the back of someone who tried to kill me? Not once but various times? Right now, at this very moment, I embraced his back with caution, seeing the blood from underneath his shirt flourishing into a bigger ooze. He was bleeding to death; I supposed to feel relief that this living nightmare would end, but it was like I did not want to wake up from it.

Pulling him closer to my face, I rested my forehead against his, whimpering as he became more inmobile and grew a hysteric breath.

"Kacchan, I don't want you to go." Millions of memories crashed against the chambers of my mind, so rapidly that my vision veered off reality. Memories with me and Kacchan throwing water at each other on a pool, reminding myself of how valuable they were, and that if I just let death take him away, it will all be plain remembrances. Laughing when we were little, giggling about All Might and how we would want to be heroes together on the grassy field. Then, growing up distant and separated from such high standards he pursued of his own reputation.

Years had passed and yet I still have not gotten over it, gotten over him and his dissolute manner, but that is what I was devoted to.

Kacchan raised his back from the ground, groaning, meanwhile I panicked.

"Wait! Don't move so much!" My voice rather tuned in desperation as my hands gripped him down. The thought that in just seconds, that a minimum mistake, or small movement would vanish his life away from my hands... Don't go... don't go now...

Kacchan flapped my hands off him, noticeably dizzy from whatever he was envisioning. "I don't want to die yet."

I frowned. "I won't let you go, you idiot! So listen and don't move or else it'll get worst!" My broken voiced choked, as a melancholy-based stream poured down. Damn it! Hold it in! Sustain this loss in the name of Japan's most trusted Pro Hero! This is what I worked for: to save people with a smile! Not to be debilitated by someone who attempted to steal those dreams from my hold.

My grip was not hard enough, as Kacchan knock my body down with his shoulders. I knew that that sacrificed his well-being, since he immediately winced in the corner of my eye. Barely, i could care about myself, but instead of his health.

"I..I-I just knew..." Kacchan creepily stated while the darkness perfectly covered the features of his face. He held something with both of his palms, but the bleeding on his stomach never faded away. It was still there, haunting me, and traumatizing me with regret. Although, I was too blind to notice another important detail.

"I knew you would try to break us apart. That's why I tried and I tried and tried to restrain you from other people. That's why I tried and tried and tried to hurt you the way you hated it," he closened to me with troubled breathing; eyes illuminating from the aligned reflection of the moon, beaming red from his lens. "But you know what? You always, but ALWAYS fucking liked it, so how could I teach you? How could I advise you to not do the things you shouldn't do?" He paused to cough at the other side.

"Oh, that was easy... I just needed to try harder. I just needed you to hate me. Resent me. Look at me with disgust; only then I would be capable of killing you and have complete control," he finalized with exhausted respirations. Mine, too, was too tired to proceed, but my widened eyes spoke for themselves. We were just so complicated; we always were. Even by the brief explanation he gave me, I could not help myself to comprehend.

It was like a devil was born.

No, what am I talking about; the Devil had always existed.

Before my sight focused on Kacchan, he stabbed me on my left shoulder. This is what I meant. Overwhelmed by regret of almost losing the person who had accompanied me in my entire life, and being held guilty for submitting for his malicious maneuver. I am one of the strongest hero in Japan, so if anyone captivated my biggest weaknesses, I will be doomed for life, but not for death.

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