Chapter 4: Our Second Encounter

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"Hah..ah..Kaccha- ah!" With his head thrown back, Deku moaned passionately as he ran out of breath in the hot atmosphere. Bakugo stroked Deku's member as both of their clammy bodies smeared with each other. Bakugo was on top and Deku at the bottom. He neared his face to his neck and only used it to lay his head while he moved his hands. As well as groaning and breathing heavily. Deku clinged his legs around his body as his fingers dug behind his back for support. "Aah- aah! I love you, Kacchan!" Deku rather loudly whined.

"Izuku?" A middle-aged female voice called from the door. Deku woke up sweating and unnoticeably panting. He placed his palm on his face to mantain his dizziness. Then, he heard several gentle knocks on his wooden door. "Yes! I'm awake, mom!" Deku yelled back for reconsideration. His face was red from a familiar sense of embarrassment. What a dream, he thought. It seemed real but that's usual for dreams to be.

Dreams also tend to be something ordinary, meaning something that's related to one's everyday life. They also tend to be what someone wishes to be true. They can be expectations, imagination, worries, and fears. They can foreshadow elements to help the person find solutions to. They basically tend to be a message or even a prediction. However, Deku denied that fact, and thought that it was the cause of his illness. He doesn't love him.

Deku suddenly stopped his thinking and noticed his blankets. By rapidly flipping it off of his lap, he saw a big stain. How awkward must it have been that he even wet himself. He groaned from annoyance. These were going to have to wait after school to be washed. Anyways, he stood and hid these in his closet. Afterwards, he started his morning routine.


Deku quietly and unbothered stepped on his trail heading towards the school. The morning was peaceful as it should be. The air was refreshingly freezy and the birds sang a song. The arising sun painted the skies with already-familiarized colors. The green-haired boy wrote in his new yet old notebook facts about Death Arms. Streets were cleared but many people individually walked down the sidewalks.

After a while of walking and gazing at the sun rising, Deku had arrived fifteen minutes earlier to school. Still, many kids also had the same idea and most were very responsible. The crowded area outside the school wasn't much of a difference as inside. Deku feared to be seen, but he was going to be seen anyways. He passed many people and tried to go over the ones who blocked the entrance to the building. They eventually got the hint so they moved aside.

Many students frequently were located near their own lockers, but some other blocked the permission to walk. If it weren't disrespectful enough, they also blocked lockers that weren't even theirs. So Deku, from time to time, avoided putting essential items inside his. He headed towards his hallway, but unknowingly, there was a myriad of space that surrounded his locker. Only one person was there.

As Deku neared this abnormality, he opened his mouth out of surprise once noticing. There were vulgar and offensive comments written all across his locker. The tint was black and red, and there were also photos on the locker of himself but crossed out. When Deku turned his face around to see the crowd's reaction, he saw that all of them giggled, instead of being comprehensive enough to point out that this was wrong.

A mysterious person from behind elbowed the back of Deku's head, making shim stumble to the front and invade his own free space. Deku fell on the ground on a crawl position. The only person who was in the area turned his head to inspect the movements. "Look! That's Midoriya!" The attacker said as they were shielded from the lack of visibility of the crowd.

"Aah.. so you're here." The untrustworthy guy said below him. He grabbed the back of Deku's uniform and pulled him up to his feet. Then, he brought him near to his face and whispered in his ear. "Hey, so won't you tell me? Won't you confirm it to your friends?" He mischeviously questioned in his ear. Deku only shivered from fear and humiliation. He felt like he was being penetrated by the eyes of everyone and couldn't help but stay silent. "Won't you tell everyone that yesterday you fucked Bakugo Katsuki?"

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