Chapter 24: Our Breakout

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"Hey! What's your problem?" Shigaraki yelled kneeling, turning his head down once the greenette opened his eyes. Deku awoke from that nightmare, similarly gasping for air as he realized he was safe yet chained in the bar. He was sweating as well. Looking below, the villain was undoing the chains and restrainers of his ankle with a pinky out.

Before answering, Deku looked around and recollected the memories. "I... I had a nightmare.." Was it smart to say such stupid thing to this villain?

"Geez...," he mumbled, standing to get rid of the tied hands. There was also a belt around his torso that glued him to the chair. "Was it so scary you had to scream?" Deku tilted his head in confusion, but realized that the scream was also tuned in real life. The green-haired hummed affirmatively. His eyes shivered as he stared at Shigaraki's hands, afraid that any wrong touch would demolish his entire body.

Both ankles and hands were freed, leaving his stomach uneasy with a tight belt pasting him to the chair. The villan finally undid it and backed away. Relief showered Deku's as his senses relaxed from the physical pressure. Giving a clowckwise turn to his foot to crack a misplaced bone.

"Hurry up." The blue-haired began to stratch the side of his neck, instigating a never-ending itchiness. "Let's make this quick." He stood aside Kurogiri, waiting for the man to open his gate. Deku slowly neared them, but before planning to leave, he wore his backpack and shoes on.

"I'm ready," confidence was prevailed, and Deku completely forgot about the meaningful dream he had minutes ago. In spite of everything, the courage that was manifested surely had conquered his mind with the belief that nothing but victory would be obtained. If there was still a glimpse of regret, it will greatly punish him afterwards the event.


The sun crept behind the sturdy mountains, but the rightfully unfortunate blond wasn't able to gaze at the beautiful view. In his cell, there were no windows or gaps that led to the natural light source. It wasn't at maximum security, but it was recommended to not give the blond encouragements to escape. It was freezing, and with his hands and wrists tied by the metal handcuffs, his body mirrored the temperature to his skin.

Even if his body temperature may be dropping drastically, almost as torture, his palms were sweaty due to the humidity of the enclosed handcuff. It looked like a capsule within his hands.

Bakugo was currently resting on the plain, old bed, arms placed firmly on his lower form since it was uncomfortable to sleep with them aside his face. White sheets covered him to cancel the coldness that invaded the room. From time to time, mutters from the officers were heard from the other side. It filled him with wrath as he already wanted to disown this defenseless stance and invite hell to their doors. He hated this place.

Just when he clenched his eyes in order to descend into a deep sleep, the knocking of keys against the metal bars resonated in his ears. He quickly raised his back and faced the only entrance. A guard opened the metal door and stepped aside for him to walk unbothered.

"Bakugo, Katsuki, you were called over to discuss an important matter." The man raised his arm for his pass, ordering the blond to follow him. Bakugo hesitated at first, but soon after he placed his feet on the icy floor and trailed his back.

If Bakugo were to run away, disappear, or attack, other officers could activate a shocking electricity from a controller to his handcuffs. This tactic was used due to the times the blond had commited those mistakes. For now on, he could not go against their commands when he had the restrainers on him.

The police department was quiet and a little bit isolated. He had lost count of the time so he assumed it was midnight, which was not. Through the doors he saw a pitch dark sky, so he didn't consider the possibility of it being morning. Once the officer opened the door to the room he has been in several times, he guided the blond's shoulders to the seat and tied the handcuffs to the neck of the chair.

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