A New Start

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"Philza! I got the berries!" Cheered another young boy, his dark brown curly hair frames his face and covers a part of his face. He holds up a basket with both hands proudly. The winged man pats his head. "Good, we can make the pie tomorrow then." He says. "Why not now?" inquires the brown-haired boy. Philza picks up his hat and runs his fingers through his hair. His son, Wilbur just came home, he doesn't know about the sickly snow angel occupying Techno's bed.

 Wilbur tilts his head in confusion. "See, there was a little girl that Techno found this morning, she is really sick and is resting right now. Her village got burned down so she has no one to stay with right now. I already sent Fluffy to another nearby village to spread the news and maybe find another relative of hers." says Philza, still looking worried. "At least she doesn't have frostbite though," he adds. 

Wilbur's eyes sparkle. "Do you think if I played her a song she would feel better?!" he gasps. The older male smiles and lets out a soft chuckle. "Go for it, kiddo," he replies. Less than a second later, the small boy jumps up, setting the basket of berries on the counter, and runs to the room. Wilbur barges into the room to find his brother reading next to the bed. He reaches for his guitar and pulls up a chair next to his older brother. "What are you-" "Shhh!" Techno is taken aback by his brother harshly shushing him. 

The two boys sit in silence for a second before the younger holds the guitar in his lap. Techno puts his book on the nightstand next to him and listens, sitting criss-cross. Wilbur strums the strings gently, his hands warm up quickly to the strings and he begins playing a tune for the three of them. 

The sleeping girl seems to be even more peaceful as the acoustic song reaches their ears. Techno sways in his seat, admiring his brother's soft and skillful playing. The song is beautiful, except for the few hiccups and off-key strings. Philza peeks his head into the doorway of the dimly lit room and he cracks a smile as he listens to his son's lyricless song. 

It soon comes to an end and the boys quietly high-five. "That was a good one," Techno complimented. Wilbur grinned brightly and he got up and put his guitar down by his bed. "What is her name?" He asked as he sat back down. "I'm not too sure, I forgot to ask when we were walking back home," he admits, scratching the back of his floppy pig ear, ruffling his hair around it. The two boys smile and get up, walking out and turning off the single dimly lit lantern. Philza greets the two with a wave. "How is she?" He asks. "She is alright now that I have played her a song." bragged the gleeful boy. The three of them shared a laugh as Philza got up from the couch and walked to the attached kitchen. He stirs the stew once more before announcing, "Soup is ready, can one of you go wake up our new friend?" 

Techno races back to the room as Wilbur gets a bowl ready to get his serving. Opening the door quietly, he thinks of how to wake her without possibly startling her. First, he puts his hand on her forehead as Philza taught him to check her temperature. She seemed a lot warmer than earlier. Her cheek was wet with tears. He carefully held her face and, with his thumbs, tenderly wiped off the tears. He was shocked to see her eyes open slowly. 

He quickly retracted his hands and whispered to her, "Hey, it's dinner time, come eat." The girl stirred until she woke up. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up. "What's for dinner?" She asks quietly, matching his whisper voice. "Philza made some vegetable soup, it's really good, and warm too!" he replied, holding her hand as she gets up. She fixes her dress a bit and follows Techno to the kitchen, squinting from the bright light of the lanterns. Her eyes adjusted and she was led to a table of four chairs, where she sat down in an empty one next to an unfamiliar person. 

The brown-haired boy smiled and waved at her as Techno brought her a bowl of steaming soup and a spoon. "Careful, it's really hot, I burnt my tongue on it," says Techno, sitting next to her with his own bowl of hot soup. She looks up as the fatherly figure sits down, giving his wings a bit of a ruffle. She stares at his wings, never seeing anything like them. "Do you like my wings?" Asks Philza, noticing her staring. "They are really pretty," is all she replies as she picks up her spoonful of soup and blows on it gently. 

"Thank you, can I ask you what your name is, dear?" He asks, eating his soup after giving it a small blow. "My name is (Y/n), its nice to meet you," she greets politely. They all share a smile. "Well, my name is Philza, call me Phil if you want. This right here is Wilbur, and, as you probably know, this is Techno," he says, referring to each of the boys respectively. The next hour is spent, slowly sipping on the hot soup and chatting about their day-to-day tasks. 

(Y/n) learns a lot about them, and even is offered to stay there for a little while as they wait for Fluffy, Philza's pet homing pigeon to get back with any news to her extended family's whereabouts. They were all happy, excited to have a new friend to learn about. Soon after dinner, they got ready for bed, the boys changed into their pajamas, and (Y/n) changes into a sweater shirt, given to her by Philza. 

The shirt was so big, it reached past her knees, and the sleeves completely covered her hands. By the time she finished changing, the boys were in bed and fast asleep. The small girl goes to Techno's bed and lifts the covers, laying on the other side of his bed. He wakes up for a moment to move over and wish her good night, which she returned as 'sweet dreams'. The two cuddled up and soon enough, the whole house was asleep, lights off, fire out, and the table cleaned. They slept well that night. 

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