Puffy to the Rescue

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TW: Gore, death, blood. It starts and ends at the bolded "---"

(Y/n) woke up startled as the door creaked. She looked up at Techno to see him still sleeping peacefully. She sat up and looked at the door, where she saw Puffy peering in, looking for her probably. She got up and got her attention. "Puffy, I'm here," whispered the girl as she stepped over the other sleeping prisoners to the door. "(Y/n) thank goodness you are ok, I was so worried about you, come on out!" whispered Puffy, moving her hair from her face. "Give me a minute."

(Y/n) went back to techno, crouched in front of him, and rubbed his shoulder to wake the sleeping piglin. "Techno, wake up," she whispered into his ear, making it twitch and his eyes flutter open. "(Y/n)... What's wrong?" he mumbled as he woke up. "Techno, Puffy came to get me, I want to let you know that I am going," she whispered. His tired eyes flashed to sadness at her words.

"You are leaving?" he asked, holding her arm lightly before she can tear away from him again. "I will be back, Puffy and I are going to make a plan to let you all out," said (Y/n) reassuringly. He makes an unreadable expression and lets go of her arm. "Alright then, I will make sure they are all ready when you are," he said. (Y/n) got up and went to the door, leaving with Puffy. 

"How did you get stuck in there like that? And who is that guy you were talking to?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "They were all just pushed into the room and I was just unlucky enough to get stuck in there. As for the guy, that's Techno, I knew him when I was a kid, we are friends," she explained, earning a satisfied hum from Puffy. The two walked back to the house. After a while, the citizens working for the soldiers were trusted to go back to their homes at night. 

The two girls walked in to see Schlatt, bottle in hand. This was a normal thing now. Since the invasion and stress that came with it, Schlatt had begun drinking again, not as much as he did before though, just enough to be tipsy. (Y/n) plops down on the couch as Puffy greets Schlatt, then leaves. Tubbo walks out and sits next to the girl, putting her feet in his lap to make room. "Where were you all night? We were beginning to think you got in trouble or something," he said softly. 

Not wanting to explain it, she simply said she stayed in prison for the night to sleep. "Did you see how many prisoners were taken in?" "Tubbo, I'm a prison guard, of course I did," she responded. "I really thought that they would have a chance, they were doing pretty well from what I could see. It would be good if we were liberated," he said, zoning out and imagining being able to play in the garden like he used to. 

The sweet boy's hopeful voice made (Y/n) sit up. "Tubbo, would you like to go somewhere tomorrow? I know a secret spot that the guards don't know about," she said. He looked at her, his ears pointing up with a big smile on his face. "Like a secret base?" he asked, to which she nodded her head. His smile only grew, if possible, and he sat up a little too. 

Tubbo was a great kid, stayed out of trouble, and didn't need a lot of maintenance. She figured she could let him share her secret spot she had been going to when she feels stressed. They both get ready for bed and Schlatt turns off all the lights but the kitchen light, intending to stay up a little later. 

That night, (Y/n) felt different, like something was missing, making her stay up. She wrapped her arms around herself and nuzzled her pillow. She was only able to get comfortable when she was rolled up and hugging herself. 

Her body yearned to be held. She remembered when she was with Techno, he is the only one who had ever held her so gently yet firmly. She could hardly believe the thought, but she missed his touch, the way his hair tickled her skin, or how he was always so warm to the touch, even on cold days. She really wanted a hug from him. 


She fell asleep swiftly and dreamt of Techno and Tubbo. It was almost as if they were a family in her dream, it was so peaceful. It soon became dark. Blood splattered her vision and when she wiped it off, they were dead. Tubbo's head bled and his horns were seemingly ripped out, he laid pale on the ground, a puddle of black and red grew beneath him. She ran, through darkness and through light, she couldn't comprehend where she was but when she stopped, she met face to face with Techno. 

The piglin seemed pale too, his face made a blank expression, mouth slightly ajar and showing the tips of his tusks. It wasn't until she stepped back that she realized his head was on a stick, blood dried on. The sight was gruesome and startled the poor girl so much, she woke up in a cold sweat. 


She let the tears spill from her eyes with small sobs as she recalls her realistic dream of all that she loved being killed in front of her. She pulled herself out of bed and looked out the window. It was still dark outside, stars twinkles and the moon was on the horizon, out of view from the trees. It must have been morning. 

Not wanting to go back to bed in case she had another bad dream, she walked out into the kitchen. The lights were off but there was a mess of bottles and trash on the counters and table. She flicked on the lights and decided to clean it up. She had nothing better to do. 

She cleaned as quietly as she could until the sun rose, lighting the open kitchen with beams of light. Tubbo walked out and sat down, rubbing his eyes. "Hey, are you ready for our trip today?" she asked. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow, finally remembering. "Oh, yeah, just gotta get dressed, then we can go," he said, happily waking up and stretching. The boy left to his room as (Y/n) cooked a quick breakfast of fruit and oatmeal for the two of them. 

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