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TW: Self-induced vomiting, negative self-talk, talk of struggling with addiction, big sad :(

Dream, (Y/n), and Techno talk in the cells after everyone is distributed food and water. "Make it quick, Dream, my shift is ending in an hour and we can't afford to get caught," notified the green cloaked man. "Right, well luckily for you guys, I have good connections to a guy who can help, I know where he resides and I have already sent him a letter to meet me in this village." 

"Get to it, what can he offer us," said Techno, still seemingly impatient and irritated, even more so since Dream's sneaky act. "He is a huge pyromaniac, has a way with starting fires and using explosives. I'm saying that he can get away with both distracting the guards long enough for escape, and back us up from behind with no casualties on our side," he explained. "How can we trust him?" asked Techno, leaning on the wall after finishing his last bite of bread. "He is my childhood friend, and he is a Sempton nationalist. He won't mind helping out the army," grinned Dream. 

"That sounds good, when will he get here?" asked the piglin. "This morning, in a few hours as a matter of fact. You can see the sky from that metal vent, when it becomes night again, be ready because that's when we are busting you guys out," stated Dream proudly. "We will be ready then," stated Techno. (Y/n) mostly just awkwardly watched the two discuss the plan. She really hoped it would work. 

The door swung open and the two jumped, (Y/n) restraining him and slamming Dream against the bars. "Get back in there prisoner!" yelled (Y/n), hoping that Dream would play along as she unlocked Techno's cell door. The person who came in was another guard from Seaglary. He walked in and watched her as she locked the door. She turned around and the brute of a guard stood over her. 

"Don't play dumb, I heard you plotting against us, you are getting in there too little miss," he glared. (Y/n) pulled the key from the ring and hid it in her hand. The guard snatched the ring of keys, but she held onto them. "Let go you little wench!" he yelled, raising his hand and slapping her across the face, sending her to the ground with growls from Techno. If only looks could kill. 

(Y/n) put a trembling hand to her stinging face, and as her head was down, she put the key in her mouth. "What's in your mouth?" asked the guard, holding her still and holding her face. The girl swallowed the key just before the guard could get her to open her mouth. "Hm." She bit down as his finger checked for anything there, making him yelp loudly and snatch his hand away. 

"Urg, I'm done with you, bitch!" She was thrown into the cell and was caught by Dream and Techno, who both looked like they were ready to pounce at the guard if it weren't for (Y/n) falling on top of them. "I'm going to the general about this," he grumbled, storming out of the cellar, leaving them alone. 

"Great going, now what do we do?" asked Dream harshly, letting out a big sigh. "I swallowed the key," stated the still trembling girl. "Oh boy, don't tell me we gotta wait for it to run its track to get it," complained Dream. "No, I can puke it back up, just gotta gag hard enough," she said, making the two men blush furiously. "What?" she asked, observing their faces as they exchange looks. 

"N-Nothing, but uh, how do you plan to do that?" asked Techno, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away. "With my finger," she said. "Just, don't look," she added, slightly embarrassed about throwing up in front of them. The four men in the cell looked away as asked and she got herself to throw up rather quickly, shoving her finger to the back of her throat. Hot bile and the key came out with a clink as she groans from the sensation. 

She picks the key up and walks to the boys. "Got it," she said, voice slightly hoarse. She held it through the bars and put the key into the lock, opening the door. "I should clean that up," she said, gesturing to her vomit. She finds towels in a cabinet and wipes up the floor. "Sorry guys but you gotta stay in here until sundown, Dream, go meet with your buddy. I'm going back to the house to prepare some stuff for everyone," said (Y/n), closing and locking the door. 

Techno sighed as he remained in the door. "Be safe (Y/n), don't get caught, and if you do, don't do anything risky until I can get there," he said. "What are you, her bodyguard?" commented Dream. "I can keep her safe too you know," he mumbled loud enough for only Techno to hear. 

Techno didn't give him a reaction, and soon the two were off, sneaking out of the prison and to their destinations. The morning was coming and the sun rose steadily as (Y/n) swiftly went to her house where Schlatt was waiting for her when she opens the door. 

"Hey Schlatt, what are you doing up so early?" asked the young girl. He only groaned as he sat down on the table, letting his legs swing. (Y/n) sat next to him and looked at him concerned. He was tipsy for sure. "I want it all to stop," he mumbled, laying his head on her shoulder. (Y/n) sympathized with him. This wasn't the first time he had needed to borrow her shoulder. She already felt the clothes on her shoulder get wet as he continued with a shaky voice. 

"I want to be a good dad to Tubbo, and he tries so hard to put up with me. But yesterday I did something stupid, he had been saving up money to get a ukelele from the market, but I snuck into his room and took it for more beer." (Y/n) brought her hand up to his head and ruffled his hair a bit, just listening as he rambled. "He found out and yelled at me, then shut himself in his room. I messed up, I hate myself, I want to quit but it's so addicting, it makes me forget everything I have done, but then I go and do more stuff that I regret," he said. 

The horned man kept talking of how he hated himself for what he did in his typical drunken state, saying he wasn't a dad that either she or Tubbo deserved. The whole time, however, (Y/n) comforted him, and when he stopped talking, she kept rubbing his back, letting him cry on her shoulder and hugged him reassuringly. She knew he tried his best for their small family and hoped he could see all the good he caused. 

(Y/n) let him fall asleep after they moved to the couch, then she prepared for the next night. (Y/n) packed water and extra clothes, as well as potatoes and carrots into a few bags that she would be able to distribute to the small army. Then she went to her room, laid down, and prepared herself for the next night, falling asleep wrapped in animal hide and knitted blankets to stay warm. 

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