In Need of Assistance

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(TW: Blood, slight gore)

Late into the night, (Y/n) stirred awake, hearing loud footsteps. She thought nothing of it though, it was probably Michelle coming home from work. She laid back down with a protective arm around Tubbo, sleeping soundly. Suddenly, the door swung open, making (Y/n) sit up, wide awake. Soon, a candle was lit and someone sat in the wooden desk chair, letting out a loud groan of pain. "Hello?" asked the young girl wearily to the man across the room. His face was covered in light freckles, green eyes, and dirty blonde hair. He looked up quickly, gripping his side in pain as he did so. 

(Y/n) got out of bed quickly. "You're bleeding, what happened to you?" she asked, rushing towards the mysterious man, lighting another candle. "It's none of your business," he replied. "Well let me help you," she insisted. The man became stiff and was about to protest when (Y/n) grabbed his arm, lightly moving it away from his side as she reached for his shirt. They made brief eye contact, (Y/n) averting her eyes to the floor in embarrassment at what she was about to do. "Sorry," she mumbled as she unbuttoned his green dyed vest and a white blouse underneath. 

She looked at his side, it was a large gash; it was as if he brought his fists to a sword fight. She gets up and starts going through the desk drawers rummaging through them. Soon she pulled out gauze. "Do you have somewhere that you keep a sewing kit?" she asked. "Yeah, in Michelle's room, on her dresser I think," he groaned as blood kept flooding from his critical wound. 

The young girl rushed through the two other rooms, got the kit, and pulled a few towels from the linen closet. She ran back and picked him up, laying him on the ground flat on his back, with help of him, of course. She pressed a towel to his wound and left one underneath him to soak up the spillage. "This will hurt a bit, but try to stay still," she said, putting one of her spare shirts in his mouth to bite down on. She threaded the needle and soon got started. 

The man shut his eyes and let out a muffled yell as she pierced the bloody skin. She strategically double stitched the gash and by the time she was done, he was passed out from pain and probably blood loss as well. She rolled the remaining clean towel and propped it under his head, taking the shirt from his mouth, and wiping up the blood on the floor and on his side and hands with the towel. 

She then got the gauze and started wrapping his side and lower stomach where the cleaned-up gash ended. It was a struggle due to him laying on the floor, but she didn't want to move him in case the stitches came loose. Despite the difficulties, she got the job done and pulled a spare blanket from the bed where Tubbo still peacefully laid. She was surprised that he didn't wake up from all of the commotion, but she was glad he didn't have to see such a gruesome sight. 

(Y/n) then got up and went down to the kitchen, wiping up the trail of blood leading to the room on her way, then throwing the towels in a basket for laundry. She reached the kitchen and looked at the brewing stand on the counter. The young woman scrounged around, looking for the ingredients to make a regeneration solution. She put it in a bowl when she finished, letting it cool down. Once done with that, she went back upstairs to see the man moving a bit. 

"Hey, be careful, don't break the stitches!" she said to him, grabbing his shoulder as he looked at her. "Drink this, it's a regeneration solution," she said, offering him the bowl of reddish liquid. He takes it and drinks it as she helped him sit up. "Thank you for all of this, I didn't know Michelle would be renting my room out to others, but I'm glad it was you," he said. 

"What is your name? Are you Michelle's brother or something?" asked (Y/n), very curious. "No, I'm a childhood friend of sorts, she let me stay with her for a while until I left a few months ago. And my name is Dream," he said. "Dream? As a birth name?" she asked. "As an alias. Only Michelle knows my real name, but don't ask her because she won't tell you," he said confidently. "Alright, well, um, my name is (Y/n), and my brother in the bed is Tubbo. Sorry that I didn't move you to your bed, by the way, I didn't want to bust your stitching, and I don't really think I could lift you." She admitted. 

"It's fine, I'm not sure if this is even still my room, it seems more of a guest room now," he said, chucking. He grabbed his side and grunted in pain. "Maybe you should get some sleep," she said. "Would you like me to help you move to a bed?" she asked. "Nah, you can sleep there instead, I'm fine here, especially with the regen you gave me. Where did you learn this medical stuff anyways?" he asked. "O-oh, I had been trained in the medical field a while ago," she said. 

"Do you wanna be a doctor or something?" he asked, intrigued. She shook her head, deciding to vent to him a little. "Actually, a week or so ago, me and my friend were taken to fight in a war. We were separated though, I was taught to be a field nurse and he trained to fight," she said, grabbing his attention, his green eyes searching to find the expression on her face. "Well if that's the case, why are you here?" he asked. 

"Ah, he helped me escape the next time we saw each other," she said. Dream hummed in response. "Well you should get to sleep with your little brother there, you have my word that I will stay here, can't do much with my side hurting like this anyways," he said. She agreed, blew out the candles, and got back into bed with Tubbo, adjusting the covers and falling asleep. Dream, however, laid awake and thought. 

She was in a war. The only war going on near here is the Sempton v Seaglary war. Dream fought against the Sempton kingdom. Unfortunately, that is the side that (Y/n) and Techno were dragged into. Dream's face turned into a serious look. 'If she is helping the enemy, maybe I should do something about her. Perhaps use her as a spy to better the chances of Seaglary's victory.' he thought. He smirked at his idea and fell asleep later that night after plotting. 

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