Safe Travels

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A/n: Yes this is the 2nd update today, but I might not be on tomorrow so I want to give you guys something for then lol

"Where were you," he demanded, crossing his arms. "Phil-" "Don't 'Phil' me, where were you?" he asked again. "I went out to the river..." she said slowly, now more wide awake. "And what were you doing there? You know that's close to the war, why did you go?" He asked, raising his voice, concern evident in his tone.

"I couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk to clear my mind, but then I met with Techno there... He and a friend. They were talking about the war, to get it over with." she said. Phil's eyes softened. "(Y/n), I know it's going to be hard, but I don't want you going out in the middle of the night, unarmed, alone, and wearing nothing more than a nightgown and a jacket." he said, pointing to her attire. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you," she apologized.

Phil let out a sigh, readjusting his wings on his back. "When you get back from L'manburg, I want to teach you how to defend yourself, and how to use a sword," he said. "Really?" she asked, slightly in disbelief since training a girl to fight was still uncommon. "If you are going to be staying here, and Wilbur, Tommy, and I can't help you, I want you to know how to keep yourself safe," he explained. "But now, you must be tired, it's nearly morning," he said. "Get to bed," he said, still slightly sternly. "Thank you, Phil," she mumbled as she went to Techno's room, noticing that Philza just stayed, sat. 

Phil sat in the darkness and pondered. He was going to train (Y/n) whether she wanted to or not. She can spar with Tommy and become stronger, even if she is older than him, they were at the same level in combat: rookies. Phil thought back to when his wife was around. Maybe if he had been stronger she wouldn't have left. He never knew why she had run away from him. Maybe she wasn't ready to have a kid. Maybe she despised him after finding out he adopted a piglin boy. He was unsure. But to him, his family was perfect. He didn't want any of them to get hurt. Not even (Y/n). 

Morning came though, and Tubbo was the first one to wake up, followed by Tommy. The two boys greeted each other in the kitchen, Tommy standing on top of the counter to reach the cereal. "You are just like a raccoon, Tommy." giggled Tubbo, sitting at the table. "Well maybe if they put the cereal on a lower shelf, I could reach it easier," he grumbled, hopping down with the half-empty box. 

He poured the two bowls full of cereal and got out the milk, filling each one up, sticking a spoon into it, and putting them both on the table for the two of them. They had already become pretty good friends in the week or so that (Y/n) and Techno had been gone, so they were upset that Tubbo was leaving, but they already made plans for Tommy, Wilbur, and Philza to go to L'manburg over the summer. 

As the two ate, Wilbur came out of his room, rubbing his face from just waking up. "Good morning," he said, grabbing a banana from a little basket, picking it up, and putting it on the table, sitting down in a vacant seat. "So, you are leaving today, right?" he asked Tubbo, yawning. "Yeah, (Y/n) is taking me, then she said she is gonna come back to you guys," he said, eating the last of his cereal. 

After a while (Y/n) wakes up and comes out of her room. "Hey, Tubbo, I'm ready to leave whenever, so let me know when you want to go," she says, quite awake and in a good mood. "Alright," he replied, getting up and going to his room, most likely to pack his bag. (Y/n) sat down where Tubbo was and brought her knees to her chest in her chair. "Good morning," she said as Wilbur smiled at her. 

"Good morning lady," said Tommy rudely. "Tommy, can you just be nice to her?" Wilbur said, kicking his shin under the table. He sighed, "Fine, I suppose, but I know nothing about her." "Them ask her, she is right there," said Wilbur, waving his hand in her direction as she awkwardly listened to them talk as if she wasn't there. Tommy finished his cereal and looked at her. "So what's with you and big T?" he asks loudly, making Wilbur facepalm. "Big T?" she repeated. "Techno," clarified Wilbur. 

"Well, he found me when I was little and basically saved my life, along with Wil and Philza," she said, chuckling. "Hmm, I see. But I mean, aren't you two dating? Tubbo said you slept together while you were at that military place." said Tommy bluntly, clearly not understanding what he just said. His statement causes Wilbur and (Y/n) to both choke in surprise. "HE SAID WHAT??" yelled (Y/n), feeling her face heat up as Wilbur laughs loudly. 

Tommy looks confused at their reaction, too oblivious to even understand. "We did not sleep together," she said, finally calming down. "I hardly even saw him," she added. "Techno and I are just friends anyway, that's just," she thought, looking for the word. "Weird." she finished. 

Thoughts from that night came into her mind when Sam left the two alone. He was so warm and comfortable. Her face then heated up again as she remembered him kissing her forehead. 'What even was that?' she wondered. "If it's so weird then why are you blushing?" she was torn from her thoughts by Tommy's loud comment, making her blush more, if anything. She covered her face with her hands and went back to her room. "Shut up!" she yelled from the bedroom, hearing cackling from the kitchen. 

The girl grabbed a bag full of her stuff and got ready to leave. She recalled last night, having his face so close to hers, how he held her. She became flustered just from the thought, but she wanted to do it again. There's something about him that is so comforting to her; like she never wants to be without him. 

Tubbo knocked on her door and she quickly opened it, swatting the thoughts from her mind. "I'm ready, are you?" he asked. "Ah, yeah, just give me a second to put on my shoes," she said as she sat down on the bed. "I'll wait by the front door," he said, walking away. (Y/n) slipped on her shoes and looked back at the jacket she used last night, hanging on the closet door. She picked it up and slipped it on. 

She walked out the door and to the kitchen where she saw all three of them. "Hey, be safe okay?" said Wilbur, grabbing her attention. "I will be. Oh, let me write my address here for you so Tommy can write him letters!" she said, grabbing a paper and quill. She wrote it down and kept it on the table to let the ink dry. "I will be sure to give it to him," said Wilbur. "Well, I will see you maybe tomorrow at the latest." said the cheery girl, giving him a hug. 

"Oh, and I guess that would make you my sister-in-law, if you and Techno ever became a thing," whispered Wilbur teasingly, making her gasp in embarrassment and hit his shoulder. "That is uncalled for," she said, breaking the hug, leading Wilbur to let out a laugh. 

She pats Tommy on the head, messing up his hair as he lets out a huff. "I guess you will be back tomorrow from what I heard. Safe travels (Y/n)," said the moody blond boy. (Y/n) let's out a little chuckle. "Thanks, Tommy, I'll take care of Tubbo for you," she said, retracting her hand and turning to Tubbo, who already said his goodbyes. 

"Ready to go?" she asked. Tubbo just nodded, smiling. "Alright, let's go." The two walk out to the stable and see Philza getting the horse ready. He looks at the two of them and smiles, handing the reins to (Y/n). "Be safe," he says, hugging (Y/n) and Tubbo, both of which hug him tightly back. "We will be safe, and when I get back tomorrow you can teach me defense." She said happily. 

Phil lets go of the two and helps strap their bags down on the horse as they get on, Tubbo behind (Y/n). "See you later (Y/n), Tubbo, be good." is the last thing said before they trod off down a trail. 

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