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It has been months since (Y/n) had seen Sam. He told her that Techno was moved and that he was going to leave soon as well. She stopped visiting and kept herself busy with housework. Turns out, four men sharing a house for years could form such a pigsty. She thought about making her own house nearby when she became older. 

Her birthday was today. (Y/n) was excited that she got to spend the day with her family. Tommy sat on the counter of the kitchen after she washed the dishes in the sink. "You know, you didn't have to wash the dishes," remarks Tommy, swaying his legs in the air. (Y/n) sits down next to him on the counter. "Just because it's my birthday doesn't mean I can't do housework," she replied laughing. All day they had been telling her to take it easy and relax, but she refused. 

Tommy had become pretty close with (Y/n), bonding over their training, which was going well for both of them. (Y/n) learned how to wield multiple weapons, including a sword, dagger, bow, and was currently learning how to use an axe. Tommy was a slower learner due to his impatient nature and stubbornness. 

Tommy rambled on about housework and how it was so incredibly boring, which (Y/n) zoned in and out of, feeling pretty tired as it was an hour or so from sunset. The front door cracked open and Philza peeked inside. Tommy noticed quickly and threw him a thumbs up. The door closed before (Y/n) could look to see what it was and Tommy got off the counter. 

(Y/n) follows suit and gets up as well, stretching before following him out the door. "Where are you going at this hour," asks the unsuspecting girl, only getting a small chuckle from Tommy. As soon as she stepped out the door, she gasped. A table was set up outside with food and a cake decorating it, candles lit the table and a cake. Around the table were Philza and Wilbur, soon joined by Tommy as she slowly walks to the table. 

"You guys didn't have to do this-" she mumbled, cut off by a warm hug from Philza. Tommy and Wilbur quickly joined, laughing as Phil wraps them all in his wings, tickling their arms with his feathers. "You deserve it after how much you work around here, besides, you are family," said Wilbur, his smile very apparent in his voice. She let out a laugh. 

They mutually pull back from their embrace and went to the table to light the candles. They all sung happy birthday to her before she blows out the candle, her only wish for Techno to be safe, which she worried about a lot more than she showed. 

They all cheered and clapped, Tommy, being especially loud as Wilbur began playing music on his guitar as Philza cut the cake. "It smells great, I'm surprised you three were even capable of making a cake," she chuckles. Philza shrugged. "Wilbur made it and Tommy iced it, I was just the supervisor," he said, laughing. 

They all sit at the table with their cake slices in hand and eat as the sunset blooms breathtakingly vibrant colors, oranges and pinks painted the sky. They talk and laugh until they hear something, horse hooves trodding in the snow. They turn their attention to Tubbo riding down a path on horseback, waving happily as he spots them. 

He ties his horse up and walks to the table, holding a small box in his hand. (Y/n) gets up quickly and rushes over to him. "Tubbo! You are here! Was this planned?" she asked, hugging him and looking back to the table of boys, who look just as surprised as she is. "I left this morning to come to see you, you are 17 now!" he cheered, squeezing her tighter, releasing a laugh from her. 

He lets his arms drop to his sides and he smiles brightly at his older sister. They invite him to the table and Tommy cuts him some cake to which he accepts happily. "So does Schlatt know you left?" asked (Y/n). He nods his head as he stuffs his face with cake. 

He puts a little box on the table wrapped in brown paper. "That's from both of us," he said, hand over his full mouth. She picks it up and unties the string bow holding the little box closed. She opens the box and pulls out a well-crafted leather book, a beautiful emblem burned into the cover and beautiful detail on the spine of the lined paper-filled book. "It's a notebook for you to write music in," he said. "Aw, Tubbo... Thank you," she said, pulling him into a hug. 

Almost in unison, the three other boys hold up their own gifts to give her, Tommy and Wilbur fighting over who's to open first. (Y/n) opens them all eventually. She got an iron axe from Phil, A bracelet from Wilbur, and a knit blanket from Tommy. She thanked them all and they went inside. 

"Oh, (Y/n), can I talk to you for a moment?" asked the small goat horned boy. "Alright, what's up?" she asked, dragging him to her room as the boys clean up outside. He looked nervous, a little stiff with his hand on his neck to calm the nerves. "Well, Schlatt asked me to come and get you. He wants you to come visit for a week or so," he said. This took (Y/n) aback, it had been a while since she last saw him. 

"He is better though, he is almost a month clean of alcohol, you would be proud of him with how hard he is trying," he added quickly, a fond smile appearing on his lips. "Tonight?" she asked, thinking about it. "It can be tomorrow." "I can go. Tomorrow I will be ready," she said, making her mind up. He smiles and his ears perk up in delight. "Alright! Thank you (Y/n), I have really missed you," he said before quickly hugging her again, then running out of the door to go see Tommy. 

The girl let out a sigh once he is gone. She wondered if he really had gotten better like he said he would. 

A/n: Sorry, had a long day yesterday so I forgot to update

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