The Battles

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A/n: Enjoy the extra long chapter, also regarding the previous chapter's a/n, I think I'm just going to make a Techno x Reader oneshot book for you guys, but I'm definitely going to focus on this one more when I do release it. And I will be taking recommendations for it too so if you leave comments for it here I can get a head start on them ;)

He looked up at the sky, using his hand to measure the approximate time until nightfall. "Three hours," he mumbled to himself. Techno was waiting in a forested area, sheltered from the light snowfall. It had been two years. He and James had become close and were buddies, they always trained together. They were waiting for nightfall to attack a new Seaglary base. It seems as though they are invading villages to use as bases, even villages that were not within their kingdom. 

Techno sat down with his back to a tree and looked at James. "I know this village pretty well, my wife's side used to live here before she moved so I have visited," said James. "Good, then we will have an advantage once we take it over. It looks like a big town so we don't want to get lost." The two wait there with the rest of the battalion, nearly 600 other men until the sun is almost completely set. 

Techno stood up and spoke up to the men in ear shot. "Alright boys, we will leave in 30 minutes, double check your gear and go over the plan with your buddies. We are going for the element of surprise so stay quiet until we are in the town." Techno was a staff sergeant, he was in charge of all of the other sergeants and every other rank below them. He was the highest rank, and with good reason. His skills and leading nature helped him rise ranks, and even gave him a new title, the boar of the battlefield. He didn't care much for the nickname but at least it had a nice ring to it. 

They all prepared, readying their swords and mumbling prayers, as well as recalling their plan of attack. The sky was a cobalt blue and they all crouched in line with Techno. He started down to the village and they hid behind the houses on the outskirts, the darkness was luckily masking their presence. It was going according to plan. Techno signals the mass of men and they rush in, yelling, and clashing with the guards in the streets, going to the center of the town where their tents were seen in the distance. 

The battle was one of the bloodiest, he couldn't hold back, his brutal and thoughtless mindset was persistent and he had no time to think of the many soldiers he was slaying who had families, children, friends back home. 

Slowly but surely, the attack was a success, they had taken over and the rest of the enemy men had surrendered and were taken in as prisoners of war. By midday the town was theirs and they received orders to proceed to the next town. Techno and his troops marched quickly onwards, coming up with a plan for the attack as they went. 

After a few days, they found the village and set up camp nearby to prepare to attack. "Techno, this town is smaller but it looks littered with camps, there's going to be more men here, how should we go about this?" asked James. Another leading soldier spoke up. "What if we ambushed them? Surround them on all sides?" 

"That won't work, we have to chase them out, let them have an exit to retreat from," said the pink-haired man himself. They talk about the plan and once it's made, messengers send out the information to all of the battalion. They would attack in a few hours. They all got ready and geared up. 

It was time. They were marching out of their camps and to the village. Civilians were walking around the streets, but not many, it seemed they were carrying out work for the soldiers, moving baskets of weapons and food, tending to the horses, typical day-to-day chores. They ran in and some screamed, trying to get out of the way as troops charged into enemy lines. Yelling and clashing were heard in every inch of the town as the sun set. 

At the other end of town in the prison, (Y/n) was on watch, underground with proper holding cells. The prisoners were getting restless, getting up and pacing as much as the small cells would let them. "Alright, keep it down," yelled the girl, standing up from her stool and picking up a small hunting spear. She walked along the cells, tapping the sharp point on the cold metal bars, making them shrink to the back of their cells.

Sugar Plum (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now