The More The Merrier

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Hey guys, sorry I didn't post yesterday, it was my dad's birthday, in exchange have a chapter twice as long as normal. Also POGGG we hit 1k, thank you so much :D

(Y/n) was woken up with a start from Tubbo jumping on her, yelling. "(Y/n)! Wake up! Breakfast is nearly ready, everyone is up but you now!" he shouted as she grumbled and pushed him off onto the floor. She rolled over and closed her eyes, still tired from last night. 'WAIT' she sat up, flinging the covers off her legs and sitting up. Tubbo let out a giggle, got up, and stopped at the door. "I'll tell them you are awake then," he said, trusting her not to go back to sleep. The girl hadn't even gotten a word out before he left. 

She stood up and noticed Dream was no longer there. She stretched and changed, getting ready for the day before going downstairs. She walked down the stairs to a lively scene; Tubbo and the two girls from last night had been playing and singing loudly, meanwhile, Dream was up on his feet, standing by a little smoker, cooking breakfast. Michelle was even there, she had been reading a book at the table, looking up occasionally to watch the three children dancing and yelling rhymes. 

(Y/n) made her presence known by sitting at the table next to Michelle. "Good morning, what are you reading?" she asked, making small talk. "It's called Nether Gathering: The Essentials. I'm kind of rereading it but I need to figure out how to get something in particular." replies the accented blond. "Interesting. I should get a book sometime, maybe something to read while I travel." said (Y/n), letting out a yawn. "Oh, that's right, you are leaving today ain't ya?" she asked, leading (Y/n) to nod as Dream walked over with a few plates of breakfast. 

He made a few trips to get all the plates and received a "thank you" from everyone. He also sat down as everyone started eating. "Where are you traveling to?" asked Dream, shooting her a curious look. "I'm going to L'manburg to drop off Tubbo here," she said, patting her smaller horned companion. "I see, so where are you going after?" "Back to the North Tundra," she replied, eating her food. 

"Can I come with you?" asked Dream, making them all look at him questioningly. "Why?" she asked. The man only shrugged. "The more the merrier, besides, I want to go to L'manburg and see what it's like," he said. "Oh, I have a spare horse too," he added. "Well I guess you are right, I see no problem with it, how about you Tubbo?" asked (Y/n), turning to the small boy scarfing down his food, chasing it with a big glass of milk. 

"I like him," he said before taking another bite. They all laughed as he confusingly looked up at them, trying to figure out what was so funny. The laughter died down and Michelle gushed. "Aw, what a cute kid, he reminds me of you all those years ago," she giggled, slowly chewing on her food. "Well, he did learn from the best, if I do say so myself," bragged (Y/n) sarcastically, Michelle snickered. 

"When are you leaving? Probably soon if you want to get there and back to the North before sundown," she said, bringing up a good point. "We will leave in an hour, is that enough time for you to pack and get your horse ready, Dream?" (Y/n) asked. She received a nod, his fluffy hair bouncing as he did so. 

They all finished eating and Dream got his bag which he brought inside this morning when he woke up, then he left outside to get his horse ready. "Oh, (Y/n), you can take one of my books with you on the shelf in the living room," offered Michelle. (Y/n) nodded and browsed the shelf, picking up a book that caught her attention, a romance novel. "Michelle, thank you so much for your hospitality, really," she said, standing in front of her older friend. Michelle squeals and instantly goes to hug her. 

"Aw sweetie, I just love you so much, how could I not offer my hospitality to you? I'm just sorry that Dream busted in your room all injured and stuff, so if anything, thank you," she gushed, soon letting go of the hug. "Come visit more often," she said simply. "I will," replied (Y/n), smiling brightly at her. 

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