Time Together

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A hand pulled back the vines covering the cave and (Y/n) tried to hide in the back of the cave. The person had no lights on them, so it was pitch black. The person couldn't see her. They walked into the middle of the cave and (Y/n) pulled her legs to her chest, and with all her strength, kicked the intruder with both her feet, square in the chest. Judging from the grunt, she could tell it was a man, maybe even a soldier from his muscular build. He quickly caught his breath and lunged into the dark cave again, grabbing at whatever he could. 

(Y/n) kept kicking her legs until he was able to grab her ankle. She gasped in fear as she heard another man walk in. "Sam, stop. Let go of her," said the second man. The guy holding her let her go as she lightly kicked him away, making him grunt as he held his side. "Who are you?" asked Sam as the other man grabbed one of the lanterns, lighting it. The girl only cowers in fear until the light is lit. 

She looked to see the two men. Sam had short, dark, and wavy green hair with a lighter green bandana around his neck. It looked to have a creeper face on it. The other man stepped into the light and she knew instantly who it was. His iconic pink shoulder-length hair was no longer pulled back into a ponytail. His face displayed shock as he looked at her, clearly not expecting her to be there. 

(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" he asked, stepping in front of the confused Sam. (Y/n) feels her tears build up as she hugs him. He hugs her, putting his hand on the small of her back. "I couldn't sleep, so I went on a walk and came here not too long ago, why are you here?" she questions, breaking the hug and looking at him.

 Both he and Sam were sporting a black tank top and cargo shorts. Her eyes fell on a recently stitched-up scar, not even wrapped in gauze. He spoke up, following her gaze. "Sam and I came here to talk and maybe try to warm up since the cave is small and near the base." 

"Doesn't that hurt?" asked (Y/n), running her fingers along his arm. At this point, Sam was sat down, leaning against the wall of the small den. "Ah, it's fine, it's not that deep," he replies, pulling his arm away. "Who is this girl again?" asked Sam, watching them. "Oh, I'm (Y/n), um, I'm sorry I kicked you earlier," she mumbled, feeling guilty. "It's fine, you did moderately well for just defending yourself with probably no weapon," he said. 

She let out a small "Thanks," and they all sat down. "So what did you come here to discuss?" asked (Y/n). "Well, we want to make a plan to get this war over quickly, but we can't risk the other soldiers hearing us so Technoblade here told me he knew a spot we could talk quietly," said Sam. "Yeah, the treatment is pretty bad, not to mention they are just throwing their lives away without a strategy. All the higher-ups are doing is smoking and drinking, they don't care about any of the men except for torturing them," said Techno. 

"I'm assuming the tank tops and shorts are for cold weather conditioning then?" Asked (Y/n), feeling slightly guilty being the only one with a coat. Sam nods his head, arms crossed, trying to retain heat. She stands up and slips off her jacket, giving it to Sam. "Consider this my apology," she said, sitting back down. "Well thanks, but now you are going to be cold," said Sam, gratefully accepting the jacket.

"It's ok, I have Techno," she said with a smile, scooting closer to him so their arms are touching, sharing body heat. The young man blushes at the action and clears his throat, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Sam holds back a laugh from this. Techno scratches behind his ear in nervousness as Sam starts the conversation again. "Well, if we want to win, we are going to need to rise ranks, and fast, before the military dies out," he said. 

"The only way to do that is to do good on the battlefield too. Shouldn't be much of a challenge for us though, I'd consider us both pretty fit already, and skilled," said Sam, flexing his biceps jokingly, making (Y/n) snicker quietly. (Y/n) feels Techno's arm pull her closer, his bare skin freezing compared to hers. She lays her head back on his shoulder, almost in the crook of his neck. He relaxes in her warmth and they continue talking most of the night. 

(Y/n) is half asleep when she hears Sam. "I'm gonna go back to the barracks now, you two can stay and chat but don't stay all night or they will be wondering where you went," he said, getting up from his spot and giving (Y/n) back her jacket. Or rather Techno's. He takes the coat and lays it across her, somewhat flattered that she was using his coat. Sam leaves and Techno no longer hears his footsteps along the river. 

"(Y/n), are you awake?" he asked quietly. She let out a mumble in reply. "I take that as a 'sorta'," he laughed. He pulled her onto his lap and she turned to be facing him. "Techno," she said, groggily opening her eyes and looking into his. "Yes?" "I'm glad you are safe. But you still have to come back to me," she mumbled, laying her head on his shoulder and hugging him. He hugged her back under the coat, basking in the warmth and her scent. He rested his head on her shoulder as well, giving her goosebumps as she feels his tusk-like teeth lightly touch her neck, his breath fanning her neck. He felt her heartbeat against his own chest and chuckled as his movements sped it up. 

They sat there for a while, just lying there as Techno started talking about an old war he heard about from Phil, rambling on about all the little details. He knew she was still awake from the small groans and mumbles as he spoke, making him smile every time, knowing she is listening to him. After a while more, Techno rubbed her back, waking her up. "You should get back," he said, earning a frown from (Y/n) as she sat up looking at his upset face. 

Not knowing what came over him, he tears up a bit, putting his hand on her cheek, pulling her face close. He kissed her forehead and pulled back her hair from her face, still too tired to understand. He stood up, helping (Y/n) to her feet. "I can't walk you home, so you gotta stay awake until you are back in bed, ok?" he says as she slips on the jacket. "Alright, you be safe, and if you can find Ann, she is a field nurse, ask her to bandage your arm, since I can't. Tell her I sent you, we are friends," instructed the tired (Y/n). "I will." 

"Oh also, Techno, tomorrow I'm going back to L'manburg to drop off Tubbo with Schlatt. I'm gonna try to come back here after though. Can we meet back here every now and then? Maybe every other night or something?" She asks, taking his hand and raising it to her face, closing her eyes as the heat from his hand is felt on her cheek. "Of course, I will see you after tomorrow then," he smiled, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. 'I want to kiss her, but she is tired, I shouldn't take advantage of that.'

Techno smiled and they left the cave. "Goodbye Techno," She said sleepily. "Goodbye (Y/n), be safe," he said. "I should be saying that to you, soldier boy," she chuckled, making him smile wider. They both turn and walk their opposite ways. (Y/n) snuggled her face into the warm coat as she walked quickly, hearing mobs wander around outside. 

She quickly got home and walked into the house only to find a single lantern on, and a worried Philza sitting at the dinner table, waiting for her. 

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