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A/n: Hello hello, sorry for having more of a life than I thought I would, here is my apology chapter and some fanart.
Edit: I noticed a lot of confused comments about if you are dead or not. The last unnamed chapter was more of a oneshot, you are still alive and that chapter was completely irrelevant.

(Y/n) and Dream make their way to a small building across from the prison, hiding in the shadows as the sliver of a moon rose high. Sapnap said he would start with catching tents on fire, then would back it up with the flamethrower, so all they had to do was wait for the orange tinted light in a pitch black night.

"Are you nervous?" Asked the green cloaked man beside her, sneaking through trees and taking cover behind the walls of houses. (Y/n) thought for a moment. Was she really nervous? She knew she had to do it, its what is right after all. She needed to free her town. But she was quite unnerved. "Yeah, I don't know if you could tell or not but I have never really liberated a village before." She whispered, an amusing yet nervous tone unintentionally coating her words as she slid behind a tall bush. Footsteps approach and they boy sink back to the ground, Dream holding (Y/n) closely. The girl almost instantly blushed at the protectiveness and warmth of him. Talking and footsteps of the guards faded and they continued their movement to to prison.

"Don't worry, I can show you how its done, I have plenty of friends who have liberated before, I know their tricks." Soon enough the two reach the prison. No one was there surprisingly, then they took a peek of the sky, a dull orange light flickering behind the trees. "He must have started, hurry up and get them out, I will watch out here for you," said Dream, turning his back to the door and keeping a lookout. (Y/n) sneaks in quietly, hoping no one is inside, however a loud snoring voice alerted her otherwise. In the middle of the room was a guard sleeping in a chair facing away from her. As perfect as the opportunity was, she found herself trembling. She looked around and caught a glimpse of Techno's face. He stuck a hand through the iron bar and pointed at a small table which held a towel, a lit lantern, and above it was the keys.

She knew what she had to do. She went to the table and picked up the towel, twisting it longways to shape a sort of rope out of it. She wrapped her hands a few times in it as to not lose her grip and quietly approached the sleeping guard. (Y/n) threw the towel over his head and held onto the ends, pulling it back once it is situated over his neck. She pulled so hard the chair started tipping but she quickly raised her foot and placed it at the top of the chair to hold it still. The guard shot up and choked out, flailing his arms after he realized he couldn't pull the towel up.

Techno saw it, the fear and rush of adrenaline in her eyes. She had never killed anyone before and yet here she is, choking someone until they stop breathing to save him. His body went limp and his head fell back. After a few seconds, she let go of the rope, making sure he wasn't alive, and then she dropped the towel and picked up a keyring. She went over to the first cell and one by one she started to unlock them. No one was asleep. As a matter of fact, they had all been waiting since the morning. Techno explained to them what was going to happen and already told them what to do, so as soon as they were all free, Techno found his way to (Y/n). As one of the men tied the guard's arms to the chair, he greeted her. "You know, when I pointed at the table I meant for you to get the key to my cell so I could take him out, but you did a pretty good job." He said. (Y/n) felt unusually proud of herself after the praise from her childhood friend. "Phil taught me some tricks," she replied.

Techno smiled at her and took her hand as he silently ordered all the men to continue with the plan, to run out to the outskirts of town. Everyone funneled out and once the two saw Dream, he scowled at Techno. "Hands off my girlfriend," he huffed as he snatched her hand into his own. This clearly took Techno off guard, (Y/n) as well, because as she offered an apologetic look, Techno looked Dream dead in the eye, and with as menacing of a voice as he could muster, said, "Excuse me?"

His tone of voice made (Y/n) shiver but Dream held his ground. "You heard me," he replied. Dream yanked (Y/n) around, earning a small yelp from the unexpected tugging, and started walking to the tree line. Techno followed close behind with a begrudging look on his face, eyes narrowed at Dream, and a hauntingly ferocious step in his walk. (Y/n) felt somewhat guilty, like she got Techno in trouble for holding his hand, but some part of her didn't see anything wrong with that. Dream tightened his grip on her as they walked and they both looked over to see the burning embers through the trees where the camp was. Screams and orders being barked out.

Meanwhile in the camp, a few minutes ago, Sapnap was just getting started. He stored his flamethrower in a crate a ways away from the camp but pulled out a box of matches. He struck a match and watched the flame dance on the thin stick of wood. He carefully leaned down and got the flame to catch onto the canvas tent and spread it. He was starting off with one of the biggest supply tents. He repeated his process several times until the dull orange light in the sky was a burning bright red. It was almost as bright as day. He ran back and found the crate where he stowed his most prized possession. He pilled up the heavy gun and adjusted it to sit perfectly on his shoulder. As he expected, by the time he returned there were plenty of angry faces desperately trying to put out the fire.

"Hey! Over here!" He yelled out over the cracking and splitting of wood from the fire. Many people turned their attention to him and started running after him, but he was quick to shoot a wall of fire between them.. he let out a cackle as he played around with his relatively new toy, careful to not actually kill anyone.

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