It Begins

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By the time (Y/n) and Tubbo had gotten back to L'manburg, it was noon. Tubbo tied up the horse and (Y/n) carries her bags. She glances up at the house she would be staying in for the next week. It was changed in many small ways. The windows were cleaner, the flowers were blooming, and all in all, it seemed less cluttered. 

Tubbo stands next to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Let's go in, he is waiting for you," he said, taking the lead to get the door for her. (Y/n) walks in slowly, looking around the lit up house. Schlatt was found sitting at the dinner table, glasses on, putting together a small wooden puzzle of many scattered pieces. He didn't notice when she walked in. She put her stuff on the floor, finally grabbing his attention. "Y-you came," he breathed out, a surprised expression on his face as he sat up. 

He looked good, his face wasn't scrunched up in annoyance, his voice wasn't bland and harsh, and he was wearing a business suit, well, a vest and dress shirt. The coat was hanging on the back of his chair. (Y/n) smiled at the changes. "Of course I did, you are still my uncle, how could I decline the offer?" she asked with a small giggle and breath of relief. He stood up, setting his glasses next to the puzzle, and walked to her. "You sure have grown a lot," he commented, putting his hands on her shoulders. "As have you, you look good, Schlatt," she said smiling. 

He frowned and avoided her gaze, looking at the floor with such a guilty look in his eyes. "Listen, (Y/n), about last time you were here... I want to apologize for how I acted, it was wrong of me, and I have tried to fix my short temper," he said. "I just- I want to be better, for you and Tubbo. You deser-" He was cut off from a swift hug from (Y/n). "It's ok, I understand," she mumbled into his shoulder as he reluctantly hugged her back. 

Tubbo and Schlatt made eye contact, both smiling. Tubbo gives him a thumbs up as he takes (Y/n)'s bags to her room. They let go and walk over to the table with the puzzle. "Puffy will be joining us for dinner tonight by the way," says Schlatt, putting his glasses on and sitting down. "Alright, I'm going to go out and see if she needs any help then," says the girl, going to the door. "(Y/n) be safe, come back before sundown," he shouted as she left, closing the door. 

She looked up to see that it was still very sunny out, she had plenty of time. She made her way down a little wood plank path, turning into stone in some places. She passed a little pond and walked until she came across Puffy's cottage. (Y/n) walked into the already open door and took a deep breath in, the sweet smell of muffins trailing out of the house. "Hola senorita, what brings you here?" asks a voice to the side of her, making her jump. 

"H-hello? I'm (Y/n)," says the startled girl. She turned to see a boy her age, maybe a little older. He had ebony hair tucked under a white chef's hat, a dirtied apron hung from his shoulders and wraped around his waist. He is standing in the kitchen with both his hands in a big bowl, probably filled with dough. 

"Um, I'm looking for Puffy, is she here right now?" asked (Y/n), walking into the kitchen with him. "She should be on her way back from the community farm by now. You can wait here if you want," he said. She looked into the bowl to see he was kneading dough. "I'm Quackity by the way, I just moved here not too long ago," he said. "Nice to meet you, I have been living here on and off, I'm visiting for a week with Schlatt and Tubbo." 

"You know Turbo?" he asked, smiling at her and letting out a laugh at his own nickname for the goat boy. "Uh, I know Tubbo," she said, not seeing the humor of his nickname for the boy who had basically been her brother since she was young. Quackity frowns at this and they fall into silence as she watches him

"I'm making biscuits, you can help if you want, the cupcakes over there could use some frosting," he said, focusing on his kneading. (Y/n) nodded and picked up an apron, putting it around her neck and tying the back around her waist. "I didn't take Puffy for the bakery type," commented (Y/n) as she took a tray from the cooling rack. 

She picked up the frosting, stuffing it into a bag, and cut the tip so it comes out evenly. "Yeah, me too. Apparently, she is watching over a friend's bakery, Nikki or someone like that. She has a lot of orders to do while she is out of town," he said. (Y/n) replied with an "Ahh," before returning her focus to frost the cupcakes. After her fourth cupcake, The door is closed and in walks Puffy with two baskets, one filled with blueberries, and the other filled with strawberries. "Sorry I took so long, I- Oh, (Y/n), you are here!" she said, clearly surprised. 

"Yeah, I figured I could help you out some before you came to dinner," replied the girl. Puffy smiled. Together, (Y/n) and Puffy frosted the cupcakes and put them on a little platter as Quackity finished making the biscuits. "We should get going soon, Quackity why don't you walk with us and get to know more about (Y/n)?" suggested the fluffy-haired woman, putting on a hat, holding the cupcake platter, and placing the lid on it. 

"Alright, let's go then," he said, taking off his chef hat to reveal a beanie underneath it. Noticing this, (Y/n) lets out a little laugh. "You were wearing a beanie under that the whole time?" she said between laughs. He threw his hands up, acting offended, he replied "Listen, it's called style, don't shame my appearance when you just met me." They kept making snarky comments toward each other and exchanged sass, meanwhile, Puffy walked a small way behind them. 

"They're coming!" Someone yelled in the distance. A yell came from the center of town and they all three froze. "Help!" Another shriek. (Y/n) wasted no time, grabbing her iron axe from her belt. She ran past Puffy, who failed to grab her before she was out of reach. "(Y/n) wait!" Puffy's shouting was useless as she kept running. "Quackity, go to the house on the right down the path, tell them that the invasion started," said Puffy, giving him the cupcake platter and turning to race after (Y/n).

Quackity walked quickly till he got to the house on the right. He frantically knocked and waited for the door to be opened by Schlatt. "Hello?" he asked, holding the door. "Sir, the invasion is starting, (Y/n) ran off to fight and Puffy sent me here before running after her." "She what?" From behind the door was another boy, Tubbo, wide-eyed after hearing about his sisterly best friend. 

Schlatt looked at him for a moment before pulling him inside. "Stay here for now, I'm sure they will be back. I'm no good in fights but I have space for anyone who knocks at the door," said Schlatt, rushing to close all of the blinds. 

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