The Escape

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"Alright girls, we will be going out to the field today, Seaglary is gaining land and we need some support," yelled a woman with a bright blue armband, matching everyone else. The group of maybe 10 or so girls all stand in a group, walking to the battlegrounds. Unfortunately, (Y/n) got separated from Ann, who was 3 rows behind (Y/n).

They walk behind a treeline, trampling a pathway into the snow where other soldiers have walked before. It's only been a few days but (Y/n) felt like she has been there for weeks. The sky was fairly pretty to be going into war. It was a few minutes after sunset, (Y/n) couldn't help but stare as the cloudless sky becomes darker and darker. 'I wonder if I will see Techno on the field, they said a squadron on horseback left this morning to hold the grounds.' she thought as the sounds of shouting and metal clashing became apparent in the distance. 

(Y/n) stopped on top of a hill, the girls all hidden behind pine trees. She peeks out from the thick tree trunk to see that fire had ceased and silence resumed on the field. She observed the environment, a few trenches and holes were used as cover as well as some men hiding in the snow under bushes. Most worrisome of all were the scattered pools of blood and bodies half-buried in the snow. 

The leading nurse gave them all a silent signal to quietly get down the hill. (Y/n)'s heart hitched for a moment before a few started, crouching and going down the treeless hill, open to any stray arrows. (Y/n) stays close to the ground, picking up her feet, careful not to kick the snow down the hill and make a disturbance. No one talked. As a matter of fact, it didn't even sound like anyone was breathing. And maybe that was true to an extent, but (Y/n) used all her strength to keep herself from hyperventilating and trembling. 

She met up in a group in a trench with the other few nurses. There were so many men, most of which were hiding in fear, shaking as they try to stay warm. Some of the others went through the trenches to help the injured, but they were murmuring about the wounded men stranded behind bushes and in the snow. 

(Y/n) looked at the rope ladder leading to the top and peeked up. The ladder was right behind a bush. She also noticed the many heads from enemy trenches; crossbows and arrows loaded and ready to fire at any sign of life. She crawled up, carefully, laying flat against the ground. She crawled her way to the bush and right next to it was a man. She checked his pulse on his wrist. It's there, but faint. 

The girl reaches into her bag and pulls out an IV and a bag of regeneration. She puts it in his arm and looks at his leg. It was bleeding heavily still. She pulled up his pant leg to reveal a large gash. She couldn't stitch it up yet, her job was to get them to safety, not stabilize them. She got out the gauze and wrapped it tightly around his leg. She hooked it and rolled his pant leg back down.

She shifted herself so her head was almost hanging over the trench. She dug her heels into the snow and dirt and grabbed his other leg, pulling it up to her chest. Slowly, she pulled his body close enough to the trench that the other men hiding could get up and safely put him in the trench. 

She scanned the massive field to see some more nurses helping others on the ground. (Y/n) spots another man, this time, groaning and mumbling out a name. From the sound of it, it was a wife or daughter. He was a ways away, hiding behind a rock, maybe a yard tall. She made sure her bag was strapped onto her tightly before turning towards him and crouching. 

She took a deep breath, and with all the power in her foot, she sprints to the rock, hearing arrows whiz behind her. She skids in the snow over the injured soldier and hovers there for a moment in her newfound safety. "Mariel," groans the man, reaching up to her figure. "Shh, it will be ok, hang in there." whispers (Y/n).

 Just then, a loud bell rings. Followed by the warcries of the enemy soldiers. They all jump out of the trenches and sprint across the battlefield. (Y/n) inserts the IV into the man's arm and looks up as the yelling stops right above her crouched figure. A man in a dim red uniform and wielding an iron sword draws back and swings at her. She lets out a yelp and braces herself, shutting her eyes and lowering her head.

The sword doesn't come into contact with her though. She looks up to see a flash of royal red. The pink-haired boy holds his shield over the two of them, interjecting the red uniformed man's attack and looking down at her terrified figure. The enemy soldier yells again, pulling pack his sword, but Techno shoved him back, stands over him, and swings his axe down on the man's chest. 

(Y/n) froze, eyes wide, as her best friend just killed another man to protect her. She doesn't even get the chance to say anything as he runs off to fight with the other close-ranged men, charging loudly into his blade. 

Adrenalin fills his veins, but his face doesn't show it. Techno grips his axe so hard his knuckles are white. He just killed a man in front of (Y/n). She looked so scared. Techno knew his ankle was sprained, but he couldn't stop. A part of him thought it was fun. 'Kill them all, stain the ground in their blood'. Horrible demands were being screamed in his head. He couldn't help but comply. 

To kill them brutally felt so horrible; like it was killing his heart, but it felt good, pumping his blood harder through his veins. He just knew that he wanted to win and protect his new friends as well as (Y/n). Other allies from the trenches jump up, aiding him as the enemy numbers begin to shrink. 

Meanwhile, (Y/n) patches up the mumbling man, moving on to the next, close to the treeline. She focuses, doing her procedures when she feels herself get picked up. Startled, she lets out a yelp, but then the long pink hair tickles her nose as she realizes who it is. She is still confused as to why he was carrying her, but he ran through the trees, still on the side of their allies. 

Once the shouting is barely heard, Techno puts her down on her feet. "Techno-" "Run, get out of here, Phil's house should be there if you keep going straight. (Y/n) please be safe," he said quickly, cutting her off. He turned to go back. "Wait, Techno," she said, making him stop and turn around.

His blouse was stained in blood, his hair was a mess, and his eyes were dull. "You aren't coming with me?" she asks, grabbing his sleeve. "I can't leave... they know where we live, they will come, find me and you, and brand us both or give us lashes. I saw it happen with another guy and I don't want to risk it." He said solemnly. 

At his words, her eyes teared up and her lip quivered. Techno noticed and placed his hand on her face, holding her cheek. "I will be ok," he reassures. It's not enough for her.

She swiftly pulls him in, burying her face into him to hide her tears as they overflow. His bloodlust silences itself as he hugs her back, putting his chin on her head and holding her close as her quiet sobs are muffled by his shirt. "Don't cry (Y/n), it will be ok, I promise, I will be back." He puts his hand on her head and plays with her hair. 

"Techno," she mumbles through her sobs. "I need to see you again, so don't..." the poor girl could hardly say it. "... die."

His heart broke, he hated seeing her like this, but he wanted to be there for her. They hugged a little while longer until she lets go, sorrow visible in her eyes. "I'll be waiting," she said, letting go of his sleeve, turning around, and running through the woods towards the house. Techno frowned and dragged his feet back to the battle raging on without him. 

A/n: Uhhh so I forgot to edit this chapter but I just fixed it so it's ok now lol

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