Make A Choice

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Tw: Blood
Guys me and a friend started an smp thing called Spaghetti smp and I can invite 9 other people, dm me if you are interested or have questions :)

With Dream and (Y/n) leading, everyone got behind the hill facing away from the town. Everyone regrouped and did a headcount before continuing. There were so many men that no one noticed crunching of leaves of enemy footsteps. "Hey! Over here!" Yelled a uniformed soldier, signaling others to come. Everyone started scattering but before everyone could escape, several people were grabbed and held, (Y/n) being one of them. She let out a yelp as she felt a cold blade on her neck with her arms restrained behind her.

Quick to react, Techno lurched forwards as (Y/n) stomped on his toes with her heel, making him tumble back with Techno. (Y/n) reached out to help him but was pulled back. "(Y/n) don't! We have to go, come with me," said Dream angrily. "Come on, forget about them, they aren't important!" He snapped. After glancing back at Dream, she ran back to help Techno. A soldier wielding a knife pointed to her headed in her direction, so she quickly reacted by side-stepping, grabbing his wrist and the back of his neck, and forced him to the ground, knocking the knife out of his hand. The girl grabbed the knife and, with the handle, knocked out the guard.

Techno finished up quickly breaking his allied from the grasps of the Seaglary soldiers and grabbed (Y/n) with an arm around her waist and across her stomach. Techno ran so fast her legs were flying beneath her. With a moment of realization, she sighed a disappointed breath, Dream had left her.

She clung to Technos arm as he practically carried her away from the temporarily downed men, along with all the freed Sempton soldiers running through the brush. They entered a small clearing that led to an old dock of dusty boats smothered in cobwebs. Techno set (Y/n) down and instantly looked around for Dream. (Y/n) glanced at his face filled with rage and betrayal. "Where is that damn back-stabbing prick?" He yelled, making several of the crowd flinch. No one knew where he went.

Thinking back on it, he wanted to leave Techno behind. But why? She knew the two didn't like each other much but thats no reason to abandon them. Techno seemed to understand. "I knew that bastard looked familiar," he mumbled. "Techno, what do you mean?" "That Dream is with Seaglary, I battled him once a while ago but he got away," grumbled the piglin.

Wait.. then that means.. her boyfriend was an enemy? Their relationship meant nothing? It was just to win over her favor or some sick joke? "I cant believe I ever helped him.." Techno looked at her. "Helped him how?" "When I first met him he was wounded so I fixed him up." "Well knowing him, he will let more people know about where we are, we gotta hurry up and get outta here," he said, guiding her to one of the old boats. Many others already left in small rowing boats, if not boarding, so there were enough boats to go around for Techno and (Y/n) to share one.

(Y/n) climbs in first, sitting in the front and Techno untied the boat, pushed it from the docks, and jumped in as shouting drew closer. He started rowing quickly. A whizzing sound startled the two but the arrow landed in the water. On the shore, men were shooting arrows at them, being the last boat to leave, they were within closer range. Another arrow lands in the water, luckily none in the boat or it could sink. As Techno rows tirelessly a whiz is cut short by making contact with its target.

(Y/n)'s eyes widen at the pained expression on Techno's face. He was shot in the arm, just under his shoulder. He pushed through and was able to get them behind a big rock laying on a sandbank they were passing. He stopped and grabbed at his arm, (Y/n) also jumping into action by forcing him to the front so she could row next. He yanked out the arrow with a grunt, almost sounding more like a growl. (Y/n) gasped at how rough he was handling himself. She instructed him to sit down and take off his shirt, which he could only attempt, the pain too much for him to lift it above his head.

(Y/n) helped him and got his arm out in a position so she could treat him. He looked at her surprised as he heard a rip of fabric. (Y/n) ripped her long pants just under her knee and quickly tied it over his bleeding arrow wound. He, however, was too distracted to watch her. When she ripped her pants he saw her leg and almost gasped in surprise at the leathery brutal scars on her leg, seemingly burn marks. "What happened to you..?" He barely only whispered, but she heard him, as close as she was. "Its nothing." "Its not nothing, what happened? Who did that to you?"

(Y/n) swallowed down her insecurities before responding. "When Seaglary took over town, I fought alongside Puffy, but they threw out explosives and I didn't notice in time," she said sullenly. "Now my legs look like this from the burns, it makes me look pretty ugly, huh?" She let out a sad, self-pitied laugh after speaking and looked down as she sat on the bench and grabbed the oars. "You are beautiful." That caught her off guard as she looked up at him. He reached out and tucked a misplaced strand of hair behind her ear.

As their eyes connected, she could feel a creeping blush move up too quickly, so she looked away quickly, but even then he could still see her embarrassed and pouting face. He let out a small laugh. "Well I certainly don't look as elegant as before," she hissed. He laughed a loud short laugh. "I don't know, you looked pretty elegant choking that guard in the prison earlier," he said with amusement evident in his voice. "Whatever," she replied, pulling and pushing the oars to get them moving again. They were too far from the shore to be shot at again but (Y/n) was still worried.

"How is your shoulder doing?" She asked as the pitch black sky twinkled full of stars to light it up. "I will live, I always do. It does hurt a little though," he said. "A little?" "Hmm, ok maybe a little more than a little, but that stays between us," he said, making them both chuckle.

(Y/n) let out a little sigh. "I don't even know where we are going, I don't see anyone else in front of us," she said with a defeated tone. "Hey don't sound so upset, I know where we are at for the most part, keep going straight and I'll let you know when to turn," he said. "We are going to have to make a stop at another country but we will make it home." "We? Home? You're coming back?" Her face lit up with joy. "Only for a bit," he said with a frown. "Oh.. why?" "I have to return to command. I need to win this war. All the people I met from Sempton, even those who were forced to fight like us, they need this victory, their families need this." He seemed almost at a loss for his words but his passion and determination was more than enough to explain why.

"Alright.. then let me stay with you." She said. "What?" "You heard me, I want to stay with you Techno," she said forwardly, making him flush a light pink color. "You will not fight with me. I forbid that," he said. "Well thats not what I meant, I just wanna stay with you to keep you in check, Mr. Reckless." She said matter of factly. He let out a sigh. "Fine, but if I think its getting too dangerous you have to leave." He said. "Deal."

Sugar Plum (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now