A New Plan

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A/n: Pssssssst, hey, go read my Techno x Reader Oneshots, more is coming out there!

The two siblings set out, sneaking out past Schlatt, snoring loudly in his room. "Ok Tubbo, stay close and be quiet," said the girl, walking out into the road. The horned boy nods his head and grabs ahold of her shirt, walking nearly right next to her. The two break off from the path and start walking through the woods. "It should be safe now, you can let go," she said, patting his head. "Alright, but what are we doing on the outskirts of town? No one is allowed here," he said, taking big uneven steps, spinning around, and jumping over rocks in the path. 

"Yeah, well I like to sneak over here when I am stressed or upset, it's very scenic," she said, stretching her arms up and behind her head, walking at a faster pace to keep up with the energetic boy. "Have you ever been caught before?" he asked. "Nope, but I have gotten close to being caught before." "What happened?"

"It was broad daylight and I wasn't careful and one of the guards started following me, so I just went to the bakery instead to not seem suspicious," she said. "Wow, that sounds close," he commented, hopping over a big plant. The girl shrugged and soon enough, she reached the place. She led him into a little clearing, there was a pond connected to a small river, as well as a waterfall pooling into the pond. Tubbo let out a small gasp in admiration, staring at the rainbow formed by the water spraying into the sunny sky. 

(Y/n) chuckled at his bright eyes and she started walking to the rocky side of the 12 foot waterfall. "You coming?" she called out to the goat boy, who ran over and climbed the side with ease. The two sit down with their feet in the water. "This is nice," he said, the two of them laying back. They talk back and forth about whatever came to mind for a solid 20 minutes. 

A sudden rustling from the bushes made (Y/n) sits up, freezing in place as she strains to hear any more movement. "Who's there?" she finally speaks up. It's silent for a moment longer before a flash of green drops down in front of her and the bow. "Dream?" she asks, looking at his hooded figure. "At your service," he replied. 

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in the North Tundra?" she spoke, walking up to him and giving him a small hug, to which he reciprocates. "I came to find you, have you grown an inch or two since I last saw you?" asked Dream, clearly making fun of the fact that she stayed the same height meanwhile he has grown taller in the past years. "Oh, can it, Granny Smith," she growled. 

He let out a laugh before seriously adding "Hey! Leave the color of my cloak alone, its a good color." The two of them laughed for a moment before hearing Tubbo cough and clear his throat. "Are you two done yet?" asked the teen. (Y/n) felt her face heat up a bit at how friendly they were after years apart. "Right, what do you need me for anyway?" she asked. 

"Can we go back to your house to talk about it?" he asked. She nodded. "Our village is overrun with guards, so keep your head low and stay close," she instructs. They make the way back successfully and arent noticed at all. They get into the house to see Puffy in the kitchen work. She looked up to see the trio and gasped, eyes widening. "Clay, you- you're here?" she nearly yells as she runs to hug him. "Hey Papa, been a while, eh?" he greeted, rubbing her back as they hugged. "I missed you so much," she mumbled. "Yeah, couldn't tell by how hard you are trying to cut off my oxygen supply," he wheezed, gasping for air as she let go with an "Oops, my bad." 

They all sat down at the table and finally got down to business after catching up. "Sempton needs help. They are running themselves into a hole, and their strategy is terrible. I have seen a couple of battles and it's just not looking too good. I came here because I heard the staff sergeant of their third battalion is here in L'manburg. The bad news is, he is either dead or imprisoned," he explained. 

"I know someone who can tell me, I work as the prison guard," said (Y/n). Dream smiled at this. "Let's go tonight then when the moon is high. Then it will be dark enough that we won't be spotted. "I have night shift anyway, so sure," she said. They talked more about the plan to break out Techno and the other troops from the prison. "Are they even good enough to fight? They are smaller in number since they got captured," said Puffy.

"Maybe we don't need to break them out and attack right away. Maybe we just need to get them out of there to get more people, and since they will have us, there's no way they can lose," said (Y/n) hopefully. "It's about time to go," she added, looking out the window. "Dream, get ready, follow me," she added. He nodded his head and slipped on his cloak. (Y/n) walked out like normal and made her way to the prison cells, Dream jumping from rooftop to rooftop to keep out of sight. 

(Y/n) walks down the dirt stairs to where the door is but it is gone, replaced by compact dirt, patted down by shovels. 'Where is the door?' she wondered, going back up the stores and walking around the small building, finally spotting a ladder under a trap door. "Hey, who is out there? We are hungry!" shouted someone from what seemed to be a metal vent on the floor. 

A sigh was heard from someone else through the vent as (Y/n) made her way down the ladder. The mumbles and talking from prisoners stopped as she made her entrance. She turned around and saw a surprisingly open prison, new cells dug out and everyone was behind bars. 'I guess they revamped the place a bit,' she thought, looking around for Techno.

She spots him easily with his bright hair and walks to his cell where he is stuck with two others. "Finally, I'm starving here," said one of the men. "Can it, private, you have no right to disrespect the one who is going to get us all out of here," growled Technoblade, clearly irritated and sitting next to the bars. In an instant, the loud prisoner shut up. 

(Y/n) raises her head to address Techno. "It's fine, I'm going to bring the food in a minute, but there's something I need to talk to you about first," she said, looking at the grumpy piglin. He looked up at her and title his head, waiting for her to speak. Instead, in a swoosh of green, Dream jumped down the ladder and walked to (Y/n) causing Techno to stand up. "(Y/n), who is this?" he asked sternly. 

Dream stood next to Techno and smugly looked at him. Just to spite him, Dream snaked a hand around (Y/n)'s waist and puller her close. She felt herself blush and look away so no one would see. "Its none of your business," he replied with a chuckle, causing Techno's face to harden and scowl, fire burning in his eyes. He grabbed the bars and his knuckles turned white from the sheer force at which he gripped them. "Dream, come on, stop it," said the girl pulling his hand off her.

 "This is Dream, he is a friend I met at the beginning of the war, he has an idea on how to get you out, so try to get along boys, I'm going to get food," said (Y/n), turning around and walking back up the stairs and into the building on the ground level, which consisted of a kitchen, bathrooms, and other necessities. She heard a yell every now and then from the kitchen but proceeded to bring them bagels, milk, and an apple each. 

A/n: I'm rewatching Avatar the last Airbender, just so you guys know. 

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