An Adjustment

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A few months pass. (Y/n), Techno, and Wilbur are already close, Philza even made the newest of the trio an identical bed to Techno's and Wilbur's beds. Philza taught her how to cook some simple recipes, Techno showed her how to hunt and fish, and Wilbur introduced her to playing the violin. The young girl was beloved by them all. Her innocence was refreshing, all the cupcakes, flower crowns, and hugs melted their hearts. 

The kids all decided to go out. The snow was starting to melt as spring rolled in and Techno found a cool spot in the woods that he wanted to show them. Philza packed them lunches, lanterns, blankets, and other supplies. "Wil! Catch up!" Called (Y/n). The poor musician huffed and panted with every step, not quite as used to running and being active as the pair marching in front of him. Techno hopped over a big log and (Y/n) grabbed his hand as he helped her over as well. They all giggled and regrouped behind a dirt ledge, next to a small melted stream. "Okay, it's right over here." Said the piglin boy, taking the lead once more. 

They follow him as he pulls back a curtain of vines, hanging from the ceiling of a little cave. The floor was mostly dirt with a few plants blossoming in the surprising darkness. His two other companions gasp and awe at the sight and idea of their own secret base. They all comfortably fit inside and put their stuff down. Wilbur lights two lanterns and hangs one on some vines and places another on a mossy rock, snugly tucked into the dirt. Techno takes out a small blanket and lays it on the floor for them to all sit on, meanwhile, the grinning girl pulls out their lunches, sandwiches and water are laid out in the middle of the blanket. 

They all eat while discussing the name of the cave. "Mancave sounds totally cool though," says Wilbur. "Yeah but I'm a girl!" argues the young (Y/n). "Guys, don't fight, maybe we can come up with something from us all." Insists Techno. "But the Tundra Empire is clearly the superior name," he smirks, clearly biased towards his own name. They all think hard for a while, and all together, come up with the name 'The Blitz Den'. Techno giggles, hugging them both. "No matter what, we will always be together," he says as they both hug back. 

They remain there for a few more hours, (Y/n) makes them flower crowns as they hang out by the water, dipping their feet in to walk across and collect the shiny rocks hidden within the curves of the shallow river. After drying off, the trio packs up and starts heading back, stepping carefully as the sunset casts deep shadows on the floor of the woods with the little rays of sun that managed to shine through the leaves. By the time they got back to the house, the sky was turning a dark blue. 

They enter the house, cackling and poking fun at each other, stumbling over themselves from walking so far. When they calm down and take off their heavy coats, they are greeted by a distraught face from Philza. "Hey kiddos, how was the walk?" He asked with a sad smile. "Good!" replied Wilbur and (Y/n), oblivious. Techno, however, looked curiously up to his father. "What's wrong? You look upset," he remarks, making Philza release a nervous chuckle. "Well, I got a message back about (Y/n)," he says cautiously. The three kids stand quietly, listening carefully. "Her uncle said he can take her in. His name is JSchlatt. He will be here in two days."

The trio hug tightly and started crying. Philza silently watched them as the two boys beg her not to go. "Please, don't go, you belong here with us, (Y/n)," whined Techno, his head resting on her shoulder as Wilbur clings to her arm, holding her just as close. The girl only stood there, no words left her mouth as she couldn't think of what to say. She hugged them back, tears finally flowing down her cheeks, realizing that she was bound to leave anyways since Phil sent out his bird to look for family members. 

The man himself approaches them and hugs them all, patting their heads and trying his best to dry their tears. "Let's get you packed up, dear," Philza cooed into her ear as they all broke up their hug. Techno ran out to sit on the front porch, something they noticed he did when he got upset. Wilbur and (Y/n) sluggishly follow Philza to the bedroom, where he got a back and took out her clothes and some personal items like a picture of all four of them, a bear tooth necklace that Techno carved for her birthday a few weeks ago, and the violin. Wilbur insisted she keeps it. "Techno doesn't use it anyways. Besides, when I see you again, I wanna hear how good you have gotten," Said the trembling boy, smiling through his bittersweet tears. She gratefully took it in its case and sat it next to her bed with her bag. 

(Y/n) creeps away from Phil and Wilbur and opens the door to the pitch-black night. She saw the back of her best friend sitting on the stairs, illuminated by the lights on the inside of the house. She frowned, closing the door, and walking to the still sniffling boy. She sat down with him and before she could get any words out, the pink-haired boy pulls her in close. "You'd better come and visit... I'm gonna really miss you," he said, voice shaking and tears soaking into her shirt sleeve as he cries.

She puts her hands on his head and back, trying to comfort him. "I promise I will come back," she mumbled, playing with his long hair and rubbing his back. He pulls away and looks at her, tears drying up. "I-its really cold. Um, let's go inside," recommended the frigid boy. She smiles and nods at him, helping him up and holding his hands as they go back inside.

They all retreat to the living room and cuddle up as Philza tells them stories. He sits on a wooden rocking chair as the three kids lean on each other and get comfortable on the couch. "The first war I fought in was the Nobles War. When I lived in the kingdom, the current King kept making unfair adjustments, the commoner's housing and farmland were trashed, poverty was at its worse. So, my friend and his rebellion asked me to help organize plans to protest. Of course, it ended in turmoil..." Philza rambled on about his great adventures and the war he fought in. Techno listened attentively as Wilbur fell asleep in (Y/n)'s lap, meanwhile, the girl fought sleep, but eventually drifted off, using Techno's shoulder as a pillow. 

Morning came quickly and the children woke up. Philza came out of his bedroom to see them still cuddled up on the couch. At that moment, he felt like the luckiest man in the world. He was sad that (Y/n) had to leave, but she brought them three the joy, innocence, and hope that they needed. 

Things haven't been easy on him since his wife left him. Of course, Wilbur was his only blood son, but he found Techno first, in a poor piglin civilization in the nether. Though adopted, he, along with the younger boy, were the most precious things in the world to him. He doesn't want to see his boys hurt when their first friend has to leave. But she is always welcome to their home. 

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