Four: Smirk

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The thump from the bludger earned me an overnight stay in the hospital wing. It felt completely unnecessary but Madam Pompfrey insisted she needed to monitor me overnight to make sure I hadn't suffered a concussion.

I hadn't minded too much, the hospital wing had been empty and even though it had an eerie feel to it at night, it was nice to have some quiet time to myself.

Not to mention, Katie had arrived promptly in the morning to keep me company before she had to go to her lessons. I genuinely enjoyed her presence and had been pleasantly surprised when she'd turned up with a slice of toast from the breakfast table and a cup of tea.

"Fred feels terrible" she sighed, putting the mug in my hands.

"I bet" I muttered, rolling my eyes so far I thought they might get stuck.

"They are lovely, they're just- they get caught up with Angelina, I suppose" Katie shrugged, "Will you be going to lessons today?"

"After lunch I think" I replied, gazing over at Madam Pompfrey's office door, silently hoping she'd come out any moment and tell me I could leave.

The school bells had just chimed for lunchtime when I was finally allowed to get out of my hospital bed. Madam Pompfrey had forced me to down a foul smelling green liquid before I went on my way and it had brought about a certain spring to my step, I hadn't even thought to ask what it was.

As I entered the Great Hall, I spotted Katie immediately and she waved me over to come and sit with her and a small red haired second year.

"This is Ginny Weasley" Katie said, introducing me to the witch that sat opposite. I had to bite my tongue from uttering out 'not another Weasley' but I managed to keep my thoughts to myself.

"Hello!" Ginny smiled brightly, "You're on the Quidditch team too?"

"Yes, I'm the new Chaser" I grinned back.

"Brilliant! I love Quidditch, I'm going to try out next year I think" Ginny gushed, looking dreamily between me and Katie.

As we chatted, I realised she had an extensive knowledge of Quidditch, far more than I did. She excitedly explained her favourite moves and how she learnt everything she knew from her many brothers.

But it wasn't long before we were interrupted by two of them. Fred and George came bounding up the rows of benches and planted themselves either side of Ginny, talking loudly about the Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson they'd just had. I'd missed the first lesson this morning and apparently the new professor was excellent.

"Yeah thanks a lot for not being there, you were meant to be my partner" Fred said, aiming his annoyance in my direction.

"Excuse me?" I furrowed my brow at him.

"He does it by surnames, wanted to break the two of us up so put me with the next person down, it was you" Fred explained.

My stomach lurched, this was usually my favourite subject and now I'd have to spend at least 3 hours a week sat beside him, not to mention the countless hours of Quidditch practice on top of that.

"Well it's your fault she was in the hospital wing" Katie protested.

"Oh yeah..sorry about that" Fred quietened down. He didn't seem very sorry but I shrugged it off and carried on with my lunch.

"Hello you lot" Percy announced, sitting down next to me and serving himself a plate of food.

"Watch out everyone the Head Boy's arrived" George laughed, nudging his little sister beside him.

The Chaser : A Fred Weasley Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now