Fifty One: Zonko's

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The three of us sat in the pub in silence. The Thursday night post-work rush seemed to move loudly around us. Nobody wanted to speak first so we all stared quietly into our pints, avoiding any prolonged eye contact.

"I simply can't believe it" Hermione blurted out finally, taking a deep sigh as if she'd been holding it in since we'd arrived.

"Me neither!" Ginny chimed, furrowing her brow at me.

"I know, I know!" I muttered burying my head in my hands.

We'd opted to go to a muggle pub so nobody we knew would overhear our conversation. It was far less interesting and served rubbish ales but I'd do anything not have anyone find out.

"Did you even think about the consequences?" Hermione cried, sounding like Professor McGonagall.

"Yes, of course I bloody did! But when he- oh for fuck's sake I can't talk about this with you" I cut myself off, looking at Ginny.

"Go ahead, please! I need to hear this" she pushed.

"When he looks at me like that, I can't say no" I admitted.

"Of course you can say no! It's very easy actually" Hermione huffed.

"You don't get it! You and Ron have been all loved up since school" I hissed, "You haven't had to deal with any of this"

"Me and Ron have had our fair share of issues" Hermione retorted, giving Ginny a knowing look, "You just haven't been here to see it"

"Alright, I'm sorry" I conceded, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just assumed it had always been fine, but this is different. We've had time apart and now we're back to whatever this is"

"What is it?" Ginny asked.

"I don't know! We've slept together twice and we-"

"Twice!" Hermione interrupted me.

"Yes twice, after the party a couple of weeks ago and then again a few days ago when Ginny found us" I rolled my eyes.

"I mean it was obvious you both still had feelings for one another, but I didn't think either of you would actually do anything about it" Hermione said, her eyes popping.

"It was obvious?" I asked quietly.

"So obvious" Ginny answered, "Till, he's only ever been like this around you. I hate to say it, but everyone else he always just treated like a bit of fun. He gets all dreamy with you and talks about the future and buys engagements rings for merlin's sake"

"I forgot about the engagement ring, gosh that was pretty" Hermione sighed, looking up as if she was remembering it fondly.

"You saw it too?" I asked.

"Oh he showed everyone, Till. He was really proud of it" Ginny explained.

"I feel awful" I groaned, taking a big gulp of my pint, "Just let me go home to wallow some more, I don't deserve to leave the house"

"Absolutely not" Hermione said resolutely, "This is your intervention, you've got to decide what you're going to do"

"I can't do that here right now. I've barely had a chance to even speak to Fred since Ginny caught us. I haven't got a clue what he wants. He doesn't mention Angelina at all when we're together, I can't even tell if he still loves her" I sighed.

"He can't possibly" Hermione shook her head, "He wouldn't do this if he still loved her surely"

Ginny glared at Hermione. Since I'd been away they'd developed some kind of bizarre communication that only took a look and they knew what the other was thinking. I used to have that with them and now I felt completely out of the loop. I had to remember it wasn't just Fred I'd abandoned when I left.

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