Fifty Four: Ruin

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We fell asleep on the rooftop and woke up to the dawn breaking over Diagon Alley. The flowers were brighter in the morning light and I sat up to take it all in. Fred dozed softly, his mop of red hair hung over his eyes and nose. I gently brushed it to the side so I could see his face, making him stir awake.

"What's the time?" Fred mumbled, looking for a watch on his wrist that wasn't there, "I'm meant to be helping George restock the shop this morning"

"It can only be about 6am" I replied, stroking his face.

His body language eased, but he still seemed confused. Fred sat up, letting the woolen blanket drop from around his body. He still wore only a t shirt and boxers and I admired him as he stretched his body out in a deep yawn.

"I'm not looking forward to today" I sighed, but a slight smile on my lips. In his sleepy daze, Fred furrowed his brow at me.

"Why's that?" he asked, before recognition flashed across his face, "Oh right, yes. You're doing it today?"

"I might as well get it over with" I huffed, fiddling with the engagement ring out of habit.

We got dressed together, drank coffee together and brushed our teeth together. Though it had been a long time it felt like nothing had changed. I knew how easily I could slip back into life at the flat.

"Ugh, it's like you live here again" George scoffed, coming into the kitchen area, dressed for work, as I straightened up the buttons on Fred's jacket.

"Give it a rest, you miss living with me, don't deny it" I teased, sticking my tongue out at him.

"I miss that you were the only one that kept anything tidy" George rolled his eyes, sifting through a pile of opened letters that had started to crowd a corner of the kitchen counter. "I'm heading down, don't be long please"

"Alright, alright" Fred groaned, as I finished up.

Fred gazed down at me, longer than he usually did and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. He was quiet, which was a change, but I could tell that his mind was busy with things he wanted to say.

"Good luck today" Fred said earnestly, "I know it isn't going to be easy. Will he be there when you get back?"

"Thank you and no, he'll be working by now" I sighed. Fred leant down and gave me a peck on the nose.

"I should go and help him before he starts moaning" Fred rolled his eyes, "I don't know how it will all play out but come back this evening if you need to be away from it. You know you can stay here as long as you need too and ignore George, he has definitely missed having you here even if he doesn't show it"

Fred winked and hurried out of the door and down the stairs that led to shop floor. I looked out across the quiet flat. I could see myself living here again and that only motivated me to go home and do what needed to be done.

Otto would definitely be at training by now, I thought as I looked up at the grand clock that hung over their dining table. I would have nearly all day to prepare myself and get my head straight before he came home.

I took a deep breath and hopped into the fireplace and stumbled out into my kitchen, still in a daze after last night. The potion had made me feel hungover and sensitive, a common side effect of any enchantment that altered your mood.

"Morning, honey!" Otto cried, wrapping his arms around me. My body froze and the air was knocked out of my lungs. I'd only just arrived and the shock had stunned me into silence.

"Otto.." I said, my voice coming out hoarse.

"Well don't throw a parade or anything!" Otto chuckled sarcastically, "They gave us the day off. Everyone was still a little slow after the weekend so I'm home early"

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