Fifteen: Identical

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The next morning at breakfast I kept catching Fred glancing at me over the table. He'd smirk to himself every time he was caught and rejoin whatever conversation him, George and Katie were having. I noticed he'd strategically sat himself on the other side of George so he wouldn't be able to see the love bites on his neck, but they stuck out like sore thumb against his pale skin and not even his long hair would cover them. I knew eventually somebody would notice.

"But there are differences, I can tell you apart quite easily" Katie shrugged, as I tuned back into what they were talking about.

"Me too" I chimed, taking a sip of my tea, unsure what they were actually discussing or what I was getting myself into.

"But we're identical! Neither of us is better looking than the other because we look the same" George huffed, angrily jabbing at a piece of bacon on his plate.

"You don't look very identical today" Katie smirked, glancing over at Fred wickedly.

"What are you talking about?" George asked, furrowing his brow at her. Fred stiffened in his seat and looked over at me in panic, we both knew what was coming.

"Haven't you seen his neck?" Katie giggled, pointing to it with her spoon. Suddenly, it was though everybody had heard and all the team had now turned their attention to inspecting Fred's neck. He slapped his hand over it, but it was too late, they'd already seen what it was.

"Mate, where did you get those from?" George laughed loudly, jumping out of seat and pulling Fred's hand away so he could see. Fred scowled across the table at Katie and if looks could kill I think she would have dropped dead then and there.

"Nowhere, I must have just bruised it" he lied. Everybody burst out laughing, it was a terrible excuse and the marks were so carefully placed it couldn't have been an accident.

"Come on Fred, who was it?" George laughed.

"Was it that Hufflepuff girl again?" Angelina teased, pointing over to the girl from the party, who was sat on the next table over.

"Or maybe the girl from Ravenclaw?" George added excitedly.

"No, it wasn't either of them! Can you just-" Fred yelped, pulling his Gryffindor scarf from his bag and wrapping it tightly round his neck.

"So it's somebody new then?" George said, mischief and intrigue flashing across his face. Fred made sure not to look in my direction and I had to lift my teacup to my mouth to stop myself from smirking.

"It's nothing! Can you just leave it alone?" Fred rolled his eyes, standing up to leave the Great Hall.

"Alright, well we better go to Divination, but don't think you've gotten away with this" George teased, as all three of us stood up to go to class.

We crowded round a table at the back of Professor Trelawney's class, the air was extra thick with perfumed smog today, making me feel especially tired and I rested lazily on Fred's shoulder as I flicked through the books she'd left on the table.

"Better stop doing things like that, Tilly" George jeered, pulling me upright, "We share this class with the Hufflepuffs, you don't want Fred's new girl to see"

"I never said she was a Hufflepuff" Fred snapped, burying his head in the book.

"Aha! So she is a Ravenclaw, I knew it" exclaimed George, leaning back in his chair triumphantly.

"I never said that either"

"No, she's a- surely not a Slytherin?" George's mouth dropped open, sitting bolt upright now and leaning over at his twin. Fred opened his mouth to retaliate but quickly snapped it shut again as Professor Trelawney flounced into the room.

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