Thirty Six: Captain

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We boarded the train, clambering on to find a compartment that would fit us all. Ron and Hermione were called to prefects carriage, something that royally pissed Fred off, more than the moment the owl had arrived with their badges.

"They get their own carriage, what a load of-" Fred began.

"Shut it! Ron deserves it. So does Hermione" Ginny hissed, as she trailed behind us, "Anyway, I'm going to find my friends"

With a flick of her shiny red hair, she'd disappeared, brushing past the twins to join a loud group of fourth years that had bundled into seats in the next compartment. Harry seemed watch her go for a moment longer than normal before sulking off to a compartment on his own.

"Just us three then?" Fred grinned. George pulled an apologetic face and Fred's smile seemed to drop.

"I've got someone to see" George said, raising his eyebrows wickedly.

"Don't let us keep you" Fred muttered, taking my hand and pulling me along the narrow corridor as the train started with a jolt. I almost fell right into him when he clutched my hand tighter to keep me steady.

"Who is she?" I whispered, as Fred opened the door to the last empty compartment.

"A Slytherin" Fred said the words through gritted teeth, "She's a fifth year, he met her at Flourish & Blotts while we were getting our books"

There was no answer I could conjure to cheer him up. Neither of them had ever crossed that line and been with a Slytherin. They'd both been highly judgmental of anyone else that did until now. Trying to take his mind off it, I glided my hand across his open palm and traced the lines on his hands with my fingertips.

"Reading my future?" he chuckled softly, leaning to rest his head on my shoulder and watch.

"Not after last time, you got quite flustered if I remember correctly" I laughed.

"Hey! That was a long time ago" Fred protested, looking down at me with a scrunched brow, "Besides, I couldn't help that I fancied you"

"I'm just irresistible, I suppose" I mocked, shrugging my shoulders casually as if my heart wasn't beating incredibly fast.

Fred prompted me to get up from my seat before pulling me back down on to his lap, my legs straddling either side of him. He ran his fingers idly through my hair as he looked up at me.

"You are" he grinned, moving his hands from my hair to clasp my face. Fred pushed his lips against mine. All I could feel was the warmth from his body below me and already I couldn't handle it.

"Enough of that!" George bellowed, as he slid the door to our compartment open.

I leapt off Fred's lap, quickly flattening down my hair and skirt. George had an infuriating grin on his face, as though he was more proud than embarrassed that he'd caught us in the act.

Following behind George was Flora Carrow, a mousy-haired girl who I'd never seen without her twin Hestia by her side. Another twin, how predictable.

The train journey was abysmal. It only proved that Flora was quite odd. She didn't stop talking about her sister and even George seemed quite unsettled. Me and Fred sat in silence, as I read and he fiddled with a small metal box that he'd stashed in his pocket. It wasn't until Flora got up to use the loo that we had a moment to breath.

"Oh merlin, she's a weirdo" George mumbled, burying his head in hands.

"Just get rid of her, go find Harry or Ron. We'll tell her you've gone for a walk" I suggested. I wanted to help but truthfully I also wanted both of them out so me and Fred could finish what we started.

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