Eighteen: Scrabble

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In the few weeks leading up to Christmas, the school had a certain buzz to it. Everybody had mentally began their holiday already and classes seemed far more relaxed. Once the term had ended, slowly people began leaving to spend the break with their families. I had never stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas before so it was strange to see the Great Hall so empty at meal times.

Hermione had gone skiing with her parents for the holiday and had left, wheeling a rather large suitcase as she went. I was looking forward to having the dorm completely to myself for a couple of weeks.

"We'll have lots of alone time" Fred raised his eyebrows at me suggestively as we sat squished on the sofa together with George. I rolled my eyes at him, swotting him lightly with the book I was reading.

"Just because I know about you two doesn't mean I want to hear it" George scoffed, looking up from the notebook he was scratching into.

"What are you doing with that?" Fred asked, ignoring his comment and trying to grab for the book.

"Get off! I'm writing a shopping list for Hogsmeade tomorrow" he explained.

"A shopping list?" I asked, furrowing my brow at him and sitting up so I could try to take a peek. He snatched the book away and shut it, binding it back up with a leather band.

"Yes, I've got to buy presents, for all of us that are staying" he replied, a slight smile lifting on his lips.

"Shit, so do I" Fred groaned, resting his head in his palm, "I'll come tomorrow too"

"Are you going to get each other presents?" George teased, putting on a patronising voice.

"Don't be silly" I laughed, but Fred stiffened and looked down at his hands uncomfortably. We hadn't spoken about getting each other anything and we'd just been messing around, I didn't think it would be expected. "You've got me something haven't you?"

"Well yes- but nothing big or new really, just- I haven't got much money" Fred stammered, his eyes flicking at George behind me every now and then.

"Sorry, mate" George patted him on the shoulder and left us in the uncomfortable situation he'd created. I wanted to chase after him and get him to come back but it was my own fault for making a joke out of it. Why had I laughed it off?

"We just- we haven't been doing this very long" I whispered.

"No, I know it's just something stupid, really it's nothing big" Fred smiled, trying to put my mind at ease but my stomach became queasy with guilt.

"I'll come to the village tomorrow and I'll get you something. I'll get everyone something" I grinned, giving his hand a pat.

The next morning we gathered in the common room. It was only the twins, Harry, Ron and myself who had stayed for Christmas this year and we decided we'd all go into Hogsmeade and we'd have sneak Harry in.

With his invisibility cloak nestled under his arm, Harry and the twins led us to a passageway behind a statue in a quiet corridor on the fourth floor. Fred gave the statue a tap and a clear passage opened up.

"We're going in there?" I gasped, staring wide eyed down into the tunnel. The passage was dark, you couldn't make anything out inside or to the other end of it.

"Don't worry, I'll hold your hand if you're scared of the dark" Fred jeered. I dug my elbow sharply into his ribs for saying it in front of everyone, but Ron and Harry didn't even flinch, it was quite common for Fred to make comments like that.

We shuffled through, me and Fred hanging behind everyone. The other three boys led up front, George lighting the way with his wand. Even with that soft blue glow, the tunnel felt eerie and I held my breath tight in my chest just hoping to get to the other side.

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