Seven: Nerves

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Friday evening had come around so quickly I'd barely had a chance to feel nervous. It was only now, that I was sat having dinner, knowing that I would have to meet Cedric in the library afterwards that it hit me.

After that uncomfortable night in the common room, I'd kept my mouth shut about meeting Cedric. I didn't want another reaction from Fred so I'd kept it light in lessons with him or at meal times when everyone was sat together, trying to talk about anything else possible. Ginny, Hermione and Katie, noticing that I didn't want to speak about it much, had also stopped asking questions too, until this evening.

"You're meeting Cedric tonight aren't you?" Katie asked quietly, looking up at the grand clock on the wall. I glanced down the dining table, luckily Fred, George, Angelina and Lee were sat together near the end, joking with one another so loudly they couldn't have been able to hear their own thoughts, let alone what me and Katie were talking about.

"Yes" I blushed, "Truthfully, I feel a bit a nervous"

"It'll be fine" Katie whispered, "He keeps looking at you, you know"

I'd had my back to the Hufflepuff table all through dinner. Admittedly, I'd sat there on purpose so I didn't have to look at him and fuel my nerves any further, but once Katie had said that I glanced over my shoulder and spied Cedric looking over to us again. He gave a confident smile back, completely unfazed that I'd just caught him red handed.

I snapped my head back round and Katie giggled excitedly. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and my head felt like it was spinning. I didn't know how I was going to get through spending anytime with him when this is how it made me feel.

"He's coming over" Katie whispered, straightening herself up and prompting for me to do the same.

"Hi Tilly" Cedric said, in his slow, calming voice, "Hi Katie"

"Hi" we chimed in unison.

"Are you ready to go to the library?" Cedric asked softly. I glanced down at my plate, I'd barely eaten a thing I'd been so nervous but I nodded my head and stood up from the bench to follow him.

I couldn't help it, I glanced down the table to see the twins and their little huddle watching us, breaking out into whispers. I shouldn't have looked but I just couldn't stop myself.

Pushing it to the back of my mind, I let Cedric lead us up to the library, where he swiftly found a secluded aisle, nestled between towering book shelves.

"What do you want to go over first?" I asked, looking along the rows and rows of books all about Transfigurations and getting up to select a few that might be helpful.

Cedric didn't answer and as I turned to look at him over my shoulder I noticed his gaze was trained to the back of my skirt instead.

"Sorry" he snapped out of his trance, meeting my gaze finally, "anything really, I'm rubbish at it"

Dropping the books down between us, I got comfortable in my chair again. Cedric inched his closer to mine and I could feel the warmth of his body radiate on my own. The sound of his steady breathing and his distinctive scent of sandalwood and cinnamon filled my senses. I flicked open the first book and I could hardly concentrate on the words on the page.

We went through the first few chapters as he patiently listened to me, nodding along keenly and showing polite interest. Every now and then his knee would brush against mine by accident and I felt a pang of excitement rise within me but I tried not to let it show. We really were just studying after all.

"This could be helpful, it's a simple charm, you just have to-"

"You look lovely today, Tilly" Cedric cut me off suddenly. I glanced up at him. He was so good looking it made my heart flutter. His chiselled jawline was tense and his light blue eyes were trained on my lips and I knew what he was thinking.

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