Fifty Eight: Accident

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"Where are you going in such a hurry?" George grumbled as I shoved past him on the shop stairs.

I held up my hand and showed him the blistered skin on my finger, but all he did was pull a face like it was the most vile thing he'd seen.

"What is that supposed to tell me?" he rolled his eyes. I huffed loudly and pushed past him. There wasn't any time to explain.

There was a thick lump in my throat and I took the steps two at a time, just to get to her quicker. The ring has warmed up before, maybe even tingled, when she'd hurt herself at Quidditch. It got cold when she seemed particularly upset too. But it had never done this before.

If I hadn't been so desperate to find her, I would have been writhing over my burnt skin, but the adrenaline had subsided the pain for a moment.

My hands fumbled with the keys to the flat and I cursed myself for not being quicker, which only made things worse. When the latch finally clicked open, I scanned the room for her.

It was quiet, there was nothing out of the ordinary. I wondered for a moment whether the charm on the ring had gone array or was starting to wear off.

"Till?" I called into the quiet flat. There was no reply.

I rounded the kitchen island, heading for the bedrooms incase she'd dozed off and couldn't hear me.

That's when I saw her, crumpled in the corridor. I lurched forward, taking her body in my hands and trying to support her head.

I was nothing but panic, my mind was spinning and I wanted to help but I didn't know how. I pressed my wand to her wrist, casting an amplifying spell and her heartbeat rang loudly. It was slow and steady.

Gently, I tried to shake her awake, calling her name and begging for her to wake up but she didn't stir. She was alive but something wasn't right.

I checked her over for any signs of blood or wounds. There was nothing on her clothes, there was no pooled blood or obvious marks. I was stunned. I pulled her jumper off her and found a large white mark that poked out from her t shirt that I hadn't seen before.

I lifted her top to get a better look. From her heart, up to the start of her collar bone and down to her naval, thin white scars had started to thread their way across her skin. It was as though her heart was the impact point as all the lines seemed to scatter away from it. I didn't know what this meant, I hadn't seen it before.

I wanted to call for help but George wouldn't hear me from here.

I pulled her top back down and lifted Tilly up from the floor and laid her carefully on the sofa, so she wasn't curled in a ball on the harsh floorboards. Without letting her leave my sight, I grabbed the telephone, almost ripping the cord from the wall and punched in her brother's number. With my wand in the other hand, I lifted the charm from our fireplace to allow people to get in.

"Hello?" came a voice on the other end.

"Is Ginny there?" I blurted out.

"Yes, yes she is. Who is this? Fred? Is that you?" Alfie replied, sounding more alert. There was a scuffle and I heard the phone getting snatched off him.

"Fred? Fred! What's the matter?" Ginny asked frantically. She sounds more panicked than she had this morning.

"Come quickly and owl Hermione" was all I could get out.

"Fred? Tell me what's wrong? I'll be there, just tell me what's happened" Ginny asked. I hated hearing her like this, but I couldn't explain it over the phone.

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