Thirty Seven: Coward

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The day of the trials arrived and I felt queasy thinking of my first task as Captain. I'd already started falling behind in lessons because I'd been so consumed by making sure everything was perfect.

My heart would beat a little faster when I wondered if we had enough people signed up, that I'd booked the pitch for the right time, that I had enough equipment? It was hard work trying to push aside the intrusive thoughts of any possible thing that could go wrong.

So when Monday came, my lessons were a blur. I stepped out of Transfigurations at six o'clock and was met by Fred waiting in the corridor for me.

"I'm not quite sure what happened in there" I mumbled in a daze, "I didn't hear a thing McGonagall said"

"It'll be fine" Fred chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walked through the courtyard.

I nodded, trying to convince myself he was right, but even as I pulled on a fresh Quidditch uniform, adorned with my new Captain's badge, I couldn't steady myself.

Gathering the prospective candidates on the pitch, I could feel my heart thump in my chest. It put my mind at ease when they all looked as nervous as I was. There were a few second years, trying their luck, who's Quidditch guards hung loosely from the sheer size of them but I wondered how I might have felt if I'd been given a chance back then.

The twins were late, even though I'd asked them to come early to help me set up, but mostly I was upset that Harry wasn't there. We knew he would be our Seeker but his presence always seemed to calm the others down. I thought he'd be here to help me run it but instead he was trapped in for another evening with Umbridge.

"Ready?" George grinned, as him and Fred stood at the front with me.

"What are you doing? Get in line" I laughed, pointing to the hopeful crowd of beaters that had organised themselves into a neat queue.

"You're having a laugh, aren't you?" Fred scoffed.

"Everybody has to try out" I said, loudly enough that everyone on the pitch would hear, "There's no favourites, you both still have to be the best"

The twins groaned loudly and joined the end of the queue. I could see Angelina smirk from the cluster of chasers waiting their turn. I wasn't giving her any ammunition to get me removed as Captain.

The beaters went first and of course the twins were still the best. I marvelled at Fred as he swished around George, knocking Bludgers off their path left, right and centre. Nobody could have accused me of favouritism, they were the clear winners.

"Right that settles it, Fred and George are our beaters. Next up is the chasers" I bellowed, waving away the other Gryffindors trying out.

"Well done boys" Angelina cooed as she took her place for the next round. Fred and George grinned but didn't say a word, which made her even more furious than she'd been before.

I wanted to commend them but unfortunately the anger may have caused her to play the best I'd ever seen her. Not even in the Slytherin game had I seen her so quick and so brutal. There was no getting out of it, she had to be on the team.

Thankfully, Katie played equally as well, clearly better than any of the other hopefuls and she could stay on the team with us. I couldn't imagine what it'd be like without her.

"Well done Katie Bell and" I paused, hoping that I could say anybody's name but her's, "...Angelina Johnson. The Keepers will be next"

"Thanks, Wilde" Angelina smirked, swishing her long dark hair as she went to sit in the stands to watch the rest of the trials.

The Chaser : A Fred Weasley Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now