Thirty Eight: Carvings

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Fred didn't spend the night in my dorm and the four poster bed felt cold and empty without him. He'd slept in there nearly every evening since we'd returned from the summer holiday and suddenly there was a void under the sheets where he should have been.

We ate breakfast in silence while the other Weasley sibling sat around giving each other concerned glances. They could tell something was wrong with the two of us but nobody dare asked.

"Potions" George muttered, heaving himself up from the bench, "Come on you miserable pair, we better get going"

Ginny winced as Fred glared up at him, his brow dipping deeply. His body seemed heavy as he stood to meet his twin. He didn't seem as angry as he had been last night, now he just looked fed up.

We gathered around our work station, setting out the equipment Snape had compiled into a neat list on the desk. We were brewing Burn-Healing paste today and the instruction were quite straight forward for once.

It was only half way through the lesson when the table of Slytherin boys behind us became restless. Professor Snape hadn't let many of them continue this year, not getting the grades to take Potions for their final exams. But to my disdain, Flint, Pucey and Cassius has passed.

Flint's voice was louder than the others, it was deep and grating, just like it was on the pitch. I could see Fred's knuckles turning white as he cut up an aloe vera leaf and I remembered how low his tolerance was to irritating noises while he tried to work. He was always so easily distracted.

"He got what he deserved" Flint's voice boomed. Before this his words had just been a dull hum behind us, but this was clear as day.

Though none of us were speaking to one another I could sense that all three of us had tuned into their their conversation and the twins began to eye each other uncertainly.

"Fraternising with mud bloods, what did Diggory expect?" Flint continued.

My palette knife slipped out of my hand and as I tried to catch it I caused a small gash across my palm, my blood began to drip on to the counter immediately. I quickly held it close to my body, trying to hide what I'd done.

"You dodged a bullet, if he had know you'd been involved with somebody with tainted blood like that it could have been you" Flint hissed. It dawned on me who he was talking to and I couldn't help but turn to look at them.

Cassius' face was white and had a sweaty sheen to it. His eyes met mine and he quickly looked down into his cauldron but Flint caught him. A grotesque smirk spread across his face, showing his gnarled teeth.

I was furious. The combination of the pain from my hand and the anger that I felt seemed to bubble to the surface. I'd promised McGongall I wouldn't get myself in trouble, but the argument with Fred had proved to me that maybe I did need to stand up for myself for once.

"What did you say, Flint?" I snapped, turning completely to look at them and keeping my bloody hand close to my robes.

"You heard me" Flint grinned.

"What makes you think you're better than anyone else?" I hissed, stepping forward towards their table. I kept my voice hushed enough that Professor Snape was blissfully unaware of what was happening, but a few students on the surrounding tables had become intrigued.

"I don't think it. Every pure blood knows they're better, deep down. Even the Weasleys" Flint sneered, looking round at the twins. I felt them step forward, Fred was close enough behind me that I could feel his breath.

I went to point my finger in Flint's face and I forgot about my hand. Blood smattered across their desk and both boys jumped back as though it were toxic.

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