Twenty Two: Perfect

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It was only a matter of weeks but I seemed to have dragged painfully. The day of the Slytherin match was finally upon us.

Wood had sent us to bed early the night before but I'd rolled around in bed all night. Of course, I was nervous for the outcome and the match itself. I'd heard Slytherin played dirty and I was hoping not to get thumped with anymore bludgers before the end of the quidditch season.

Though those nerves were mounting, I couldn't deny I was excited too. By the end of today the Quidditch season would officially be over and Oliver couldn't stop anything from happening between me and Fred any longer. I loved Quidditch and I couldn't bear the thought of not playing again until September but keeping away from Fred had been difficult. It would be nice to see what it could be without being constantly in fear that somebody might catch us.

"Get up, Wilde!" came Fred's voice on the other side of our. Hermione groaned softly in her bed across the room and I heard the rustle of her bushy hair turning against the pillow. It was even too early for her.

"Yeah, Tilly, come on!" shouted George.

I rolled to my side to glance at the clock mounted on our wall as the bangs at our door continued. 6:30am. What on earth did they want?

My eyes were half shut as I trudged over to the door and opened it, staring blearily back at the twins, who were already dressed in their Quidditch jumpers and gear.

The ribbed knit clung to Fred's body and I couldn't help but notice how flattering it was without the guards and the long billowing robes on top. His broad shoulders seemed more prominent than ever and he had the biggest grin on his face for somebody awake so early.

"Hurry up, get dressed!" Fred demanded, waving me back into my bedroom.

"What?" I replied sleepily, "The match isn't until 11am"

"Yes but you want to get your breakfast in early, don't you? Now come on" George pushed me into my dorm and shut the door.

Slowly, I pulled on my quidditch jumper and trousers, draping my robe over my arm so I didn't have to come back up later. Hermione squirmed in her bed, clearly woken by the twins but trying to fight her way back to sleep. I slipped out the door, leaving as quietly as possible and followed the twins out of the common room.

"Why are we up this early? Does Wood want us to train beforehand? Surely not, we'll all be exhausted by the time the match comes and-" I raved.

"Why so many questions, Wilde?" George cut across me.

"Yeah just trust us" Fred beamed.

Their expressions were full of mischief, they weren't very subtle when they up to something. I tried not to press on what it could be as I followed them down to the Great Hall.

I was surprised to see so many students already filtering down to breakfast but I supposed it was match day and people were probably too excited to sleep. They were clad in the colours of the team they'd chosen to support, along with gaudy face paint or hats. I couldn't help but notice it seemed to be a sea of red and gold, with very little Slytherin pride in sight.

As we entered the Great Hall, the hangings from the ceilings were spilt, one side green and silver while the other was red and gold. I stared up in awe, they hadn't done this for every other match, but I supposed it was a big affair when it was the last game of the year.

We strode towards the Gryffindor table, I couldn't spot anybody from the team that was awake yet but I caught a glimpse of Ginny's hair, a swish of red as she spoke animatedly to two boys.

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