Twenty Eight: Challenge

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My stomach churned that evening in the common room as I recounted to Hermione, Ginny and Katie that Cassius had asked me to the ball. Every word didn't sound like my own and all I could do was hope to myself it was some horrible nightmare that I'd wake up from.

"He's not the bad is he?" Hermione shrugged, "I always thought he was quite good looking"

All four of us were squashed together along the red sofa as Ron and Harry silently played Wizard's Chess across the coffee table in front of us, pretending they couldn't hear. But Ron's ears were suddenly bright scarlet at the mention that Hermione might possibly find someone attractive. He'd seemed cold with her ever since her announcement that she had a date to the ball and though it appeared this new comment had upset him further, he didn't say a word.

"What about Roger Davies? You could ask him" Katie suggested, ignoring Hermione's approval of Cassius.

"He's going with Fleur Delacour" Ginny sighed.

We remained silent for a moment, everybody seemed to be deep in thought as they tried to conjure up somebody suitable for me to attend the ball with.

"I really can't believe he's done this" Ginny said suddenly, shaking her head and causing her mane of shiny red hair to swish with it, "He's - he's unbelievable"

"Who is?" Ron asked, looking up from their chess game suddenly and making it apparent that he had been listening in.

"Fred, of course" Ginny scoffed, "Stitching Till up like this, it's awful"

"Ginny, he's our brother" Ron whined, but looking up at me apologetically.

"I don't care, mum would kill him if she knew. Maybe I'll tell her" Ginny replied hotly, folding her arms defiantly over her chest.

"Maybe you could go with Cedric?" Hermione cut in, stopping the two siblings from quarrelling any further.

"He's going to Cho Chang" Harry said gloomily. It was the most he'd said all evening and it was evident that this new information was why.

"Oh" Hermione said uncomfortably, shifting in her seat a little.

"Maybe Cassius isn't the worst" Ginny said, before quickly correcting herself when I gave her a horrified look, "At least somebody has asked you at all, alright!"

Harry looked up at her over his glasses. Ginny had gone red in the face from her outburst, her soft brown freckles perturbing more than ever as her jaw tensed. I couldn't help but wonder why on earth no one had asked her yet.

"Nobody's asked you?" a voice chimed as its owner rounded the corner into the common room. It made my heart stop for a moment but it quickly settled.

George sunk to the floor onto the hearth rug beside Ron to watch their game and everybody stiffened slightly.

"Nobody!" Ginny repeated loudly, looking angrier than ever.

"I'm sure someone will" he shrugged.

"Who are you going with Katie?" Hermione asked, trying to turn the subject away from Ginny's misfortune.

"Me and Lee Jordan are going as friends" Katie replied, seeming quite unbothered.

"See Till, maybe you and Cassius could go just as friends" Hermione said cheerily. I glared at her across the sofa and glanced quickly at George.

Our eyes met and he raised his eyebrows at me in surprise. He had a smirk on his face that was identical to the one that Fred wore and it made my heart pound heavier than usual. I had to remind myself it wasn't him.

The Chaser : A Fred Weasley Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now