Thirty Three: The Lovegoods

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"Missing your lessons, spending time with the Weasley twins? I thought better of you" Professor McGonagall scowled, peering over her circular glasses at me from behind her desk.

After abandoning my lessons for the pub, I'd been beckoned into McGonagall's office on my way back to the common room at the end of the day. As I sat opposite her in the small homely room, I felt my stomach twisting in discomfort.

"You'd never had a single detention until you started spending time with those boys" McGonagall said, her lips pursed as she thumbed through my record.

"Professor, that was Angelina Johnson's fault-" I began.

"I'm not here to debate who started it, Miss Wilde. I've called you in here to remind you to get your act together. In a couple of months the school year will be coming to an end, once this whole Tournament malarkey is wrapped up" she reeled, "You'll be going into your seventh year and Quidditch will be starting again"

Professor McGonagall paused, shuffling the papers on her desk until she held up an open envelope with its letter tucked neatly inside.

"The previous team Captain gets to make a recommendation for their predecessor, if they wish" she said, carefully pulling the letter out of its envelope and glazing her eyes over it, "And Oliver Wood has put you forward"

My palms began to sweat and I stuffed them in the pockets of my robes to try and hide it. Oliver had recommended me for next year's captain. I didn't know if I could handle the responsibility, let alone what Angelina would have to say about it.

"He chose me?" I stammered, peering at the parchment in her hand.

"Yes, Mr Wood really sung your praises" Professor McGonagall took her spectacles off her nose and rubbed her temple with her pointed fingers, "Now, I gathered the nature of your relationship with Oliver prior to you joining the team"

I opened my mouth to protest but she held out her hand flatly, signalling for me not to even bother trying deny it. I slouched into my chair and folded my arms angrily across my front.

"I may be an old woman but I am not blind, Miss Wilde. It is not my business, I am aware of that, but I want to be sure this recommendation has been made based on merit and not favouritism" she raised her eyebrows, tucking the parchment safely back into its envelope. "Show me that I can trust you with the responsibility"

My brain stalled for a moment. Did I even want to be Quidditch captain? Well of course I did. Everybody did and there was nobody else I'd want to follow orders from. Apart from maybe Fred, but there was no chance in hell that McGonagall would let him be captain.

"Of course, Professor. Whatever it takes" I smiled.

The Professor eased, a smile lifting on her lips and she sat back in her chair. She nodded and I understood that the role was mine, if I could just keep it together until the end of the year.

I ran from her office all the way to the Common Room and pushed through the portrait excitedly. Everybody was busy, working, chatting or playing chess. I spotted Fred and George huddled in a corner with their backs to me, speaking lowly enough that I couldn't hear until I came closer.

"Where do you think?" Fred whispered.

"What about Shell Cottage?" George shrugged.

"That's too obvious" Fred sighed, "Maybe Aunt Muriel's? She's on holiday I think"

"You can't take her there! It smells like moth balls and encroaching death. Besides, what if the old bat comes home early? That'll be a mood killer" George scoffed.

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