Fourteen: Hangover

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My head pounded aggressively as grey light began to drench our bedroom. I hadn't even drunk that much last night but the Alihosty seemed to have strange after effects on me, leaving me feeling as though I'd downed ten bottles of firewhiskey to myself.

The rain on our window pane thundered almost as hard as my head and I looked gloomily out onto the rain soaked grounds. It was terrible weather for a Saturday.

Luckily, Hermione was already up and out of the bedroom, so I got myself dressed and grabbed some work to take down to the common room. I assumed our scheduled practice would be cancelled for the day and I had a lot of Divination work to catch up on.

My suspicions were proved correct when I padded down the stairs from the girls dormitories and Oliver was stretched out across the sofa, staring absentmindedly at the ceiling. I pushed at his legs to get him to budge up so I could sit down and he slumped them back stubbornly, resting them along my lap once I was seated. I rolled my eyes at him but it gave me the best place to rest my Divination book on top of his legs.

"What am I going to do today if I can't play Quidditch?" he groaned.

"There's a million things you could, mate!" George chimed. I whipped my head round to see him and Fred coming down the stairs from the boys dorms, still in their pyjamas. Nobody ever did that in the common room unless they were feeling especially rough.

"Surely you've got some work to be getting on with, you've got N.E.W.T.s coming up" I suggested. Oliver groaned even louder and brought his palms up to hide his face.

The twins rounded the sofa and planted themselves on the armchairs either side of the fire. Fred's eyes immediately narrowed on Oliver's legs sprawled across my lap and I quickly knocked them off.

"What did you do that for?" Oliver grumbled, dropping his hands from his face to look at me.

"Go and do some work" I laughed, pointing to the portrait hole. He rolled his eyes but followed my instructions, heading reluctantly out of the door.

Fred moved from the armchair to the sofa, doing just as Oliver had and stretching his legs out so they landed in my lap.

"Hey!" George protested, "That's not fair I'm more hungover than you, I should get to lay down"

"We didn't make you stay at the party until 3am" Fred laughed, shutting his eyes and stretching his arms over the back of his head to get comfortable. The muscles in his toned arms perturbed in his short sleeve t shirt and my eyes went wide as I noticed, I was thankful he had his eyes closed and couldn't see me staring.

"Where did you two get off to anyway?" George asked, raising his eyebrows wickedly at us.

"Nowhere" we replied in unison, making us sound awfully guilty.

"Alright, well while you boring sods went to bed I got with Katie's friend Leanne" George announced, placing his feet up proudly on the coffee table.

"Congrats" I muttered, looking back down at my Divination text book. I knew Katie was going to have a fit when she found out.

Fred and George chatted quietly, trying not to disturb me as I continued to read through the required chapters. Even though we were all in the same class the twins didn't seem bothered by the fact we had homework due first thing Monday morning.

"What are we meant to be doing then?" Fred asked, sitting up and leaning over my shoulder to get a better look at the page. His breath fanned through my hair and sent shivers down my spine, that I quickly tried to hide.

"Palmistry, but I'm rubbish at" I sulked, pointing to the diagram in the book of a palm. Tiny lines and script ran from it, explaining what each indent signified about the owner's future.

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