Seventeen: Secret

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"Quidditch practice later!" Katie beamed, nudging me on the arm to get me to cheer up.

I'd had nearly a completely sleepless night, and when my alarm had gone off this morning I felt more tired and angry than ever. I hadn't breathed a word as me, Katie, Ginny and Hermione made our way down to breakfast and as we sat at the table I'd continued my silence.

I didn't even glance up when Fred and George joined us, instead keeping my gaze firmly fixed on the sad plate of toast and eggs in front of me.

"Me and Fred had detention later" I muttered, forcing down another bite of dry bread.

"Oh, have you told Oliver? He's going to have a fit if you both have to miss it" Katie giggled. I shrugged and looked down the table for Oliver, but he was nowhere to be seen.

I could see Fred vying for my attention. He kept talking especially loud or tried to get me to join in conversation but I wasn't in the mood. I couldn't see why he was so cheery, after what George had done. Unless he didn't even know yet.

Finally, I'd grown tired and made up some excuse that I had to get a book from the library before classes began, so I could leave before anybody else.

"Wilde!" chimed two voices in unison. I'd only rounded a few corridors, I'd hardly had a moment to think and now they were following me.

"What?" I snapped, spinning on my heel to look at the pair of them.

"What's wrong?" Fred asked, his eyebrows knitting together in concern. George smirked at his side and held his hand over his mouth to try and cover it up, but failed miserably.

"Ask him" I muttered, turning back around to angrily pace away from them but Fred swiftly grabbed my wrist.

"What's going on?" he asked, looking between George and I. I stared uncomfortably down at his hand wrapped around my wrist, and I refused to be the one to talk first.

"Fred, I know" George said, flicking his eyes at me, "I managed to get it out of Tilly, last night"

"Last night?" Fred repeated, going a little red in the face.

"You didn't get it out of me!" I protested, wrenching my arm out of Fred's grip to point a finger in George's face, "You tricked me!"

"Alright, calm down" George defended himself, "It was just a bit of fun"

"Tricked? What did you do?" Fred asked, turning on his twin.

"I just- I pretended I was you" George lifted his hands up in surrender, "How was I supposed to know she was going to kiss me?"

"Kiss you!" Fred shouted, completely turning his back to me now and staring George square in the face. Fred swung his bag, hitting George in the ribs with a loud thud.

"My neck, she just kissed my neck!" George explained, "Well, she thought it was you. Then once she'd done it, I knew you were- you know, seeing each other"

"We're not seeing each other" I said defensively.

"We're not talking about that now" Fred snapped, looking slightly at me over his shoulder, "You still tricked her"

"Alright, I'm sorry!" George cried. Fred sighed deeply, before storming off in the direction of our History of Magic class.

In that moment I was angry at both of them, George for being stupid enough to do that in the first place and Fred for being so hot headed over it. I couldn't tell who he was more upset with, me or George.

Fred didn't speak to either of us the rest of the day and the silence was agony. My stomach twisted thinking about our detention together later. I'd thought if I had to serve this detention, at least it would be with him, he'd always make it fun somehow but in this mood I didn't even know if I wanted to be around him.

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