Forty One: Matilda

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It was like my body was floating. There was a fog that wouldn't clear and I wandered in circles through the colourless mist.

"Tilly?" his voice called. Clear as day. The calming tones soothed me even through the nothingness.

"Cedric?" I replied, straining for a response.

The fog cleared and I was in the graveyard. Of course I'd never been there, it was a picture painted only by what Harry had described. Just Cedric and I, with the tombstones standing silently around us.

"You're alright, aren't you?" I asked. I heard my voice quiver.

Looking up into his face, it was was just as it had been that day when he arrived home from the tournament, dirty and pale. So unlike him. But this time he was seeing me. This time his mouth didn't gape as though suspended between words, he could speak.

"You know I'm not" Cedric replied bitterly. His eyes left my face and stared at his feet. His voice was still calm but there was an edge to it. Something underlying that sent goosebumps across my skin.

"Cedric, please" I pleaded. I held out my hand but he didn't take it. I didn't know what I was begging for. I didn't know what I wanted from him but I knew it couldn't be real.

"Please what?" he said, through gritted teeth.

"Don't blame me" I whispered. I bit down hard on my bottom lip trying to force back tears that were beginning to form in my eyes.

"Of course I blame you" Cedric spat, "Why me? What had I ever done?"

"Cedric, I would never- if I have known-" I began.

"You can't take this back" he interrupted me. There was a quiet rage beneath his voice.

"I know I can't" I whispered.

"You have to live with this the rest of your life" Cedric shook his head.

"I know" I replied, letting the tears drip from my eyes and collect around my lips. I could taste the salt sting my tongue and I tried to tell myself it couldn't be real.

"Tilly? Tilly, wake up" Fred shook me gently.

I sat up, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. My dorm was lit by the moonlight that hung heavily outside the window and I could just make out the speckles across Fred's cheeks as he stared at me.

"What's the matter?" he whispered, wrapping his arms around my body. It was then that I realised I was shaking. I could feel my body tremble against Fred's and he held me tightly to try and stop it.

"It's my fault" I whispered. I could taste the salt again. It had to have been real. "He thinks it's my fault"

"Ignore Cassius, he's in the hospital wing now, where he belongs. He doesn't really think that he's just trying to wind you up" Fred muttered. He grazed his hand gently through my hair and I flinched. Fred pulled back, looking at me and even through the pitch black I could see the confusion on his face.

"Not Cassius" I shook my head, "Cedric. He blames me"

Fred furrowed his brow and stared down at our intertwined bodies for a moment. I suppose he didn't know what to say and I didn't blame him. He couldn't always have an answer for everything and I must have sounded mental.

I had to tell him it was a nightmare, but I couldn't tell him I'd been having them through the summer too. I couldn't imagine what he'd think.

"I had a bad dream" I mumbled, pouting up at Fred. He sighed deeply and nodded, looking relieved that he understood now.

The Chaser : A Fred Weasley Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now