Fifty Seven: Headlines

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My heart was racing as I stepped into the floo and muttered 'the Minstry of Magic'. I couldn't show her yet, because I had to make this right. There had to be a way to fix it for her.

The flames separated and the dark emerald tiles stood before me. There was hoards of people around me, jumping in and out of fireplaces, dressed in suits and smart clothes, all in arrays of grey or brown. I suddenly felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb, dressed in a my deep purple waistcoat and matching trousers. I looked ridiculous.

I weaved through people, giving polite smiles to the people who seemed to recognise me from the shop. I was trying not to look to manic and paused for a moment.

"Lost?" Someone in a dark green suit and a hat asked. He nearly blended into the tiles but his fake beaming smile set him apart. He wore a name tag that read 'Michael' and I was affronted by his friendliness.

"Yes, um- Prophet's Office?" I stammered out.

"That way, Mr Weasley" Michael grinned even wider, pointing me in the right direction.

"Thanks" I mumbled, stalking away.

My head was spinning at the chaos of the Ministry and I remembered why I'd vowed never to work here. Over time, when friend after after got a job here, I had to bite my tongue, but I really hated it as ducked out of the way of countless workers.


A chill ran down my spine. I tried to ignore her and kept pushing in the same direction.

"Fred! I know you can hear me" she repeated.

I took a deep sigh and paused, letting a few people knock into my back and huff loudly. I turned to look at Angelina.

"What, Angelina? I'm busy" I grumbled.

She stood still, letting the sea of people move around her seamlessly. Her arms were folded and she wore another drab blazer like she always did to work. One eyebrow arched slightly.

"I know you are" she grinned menacingly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I stammered. I didn't like the look on her face. She seemed too pleased to see me.

"Looking for the Prophet's office I presume?" she smirked. A chill ran through my body and I tried not to give her the satisfaction of knowing that she was worrying me.

"Fuck off, Angelina" I muttered, pushing past her.

"I told them" she called, making me turn to look at her again. I'd never hurt her, but the impulse to was building.

"You told them what?" I played along, trying to sound like I didn't have a clue what she was talking about.

"I knew it. The moment you ended things over something as small as that. You were pining over her, it was so painfully obvious. You should be embarrassed" she spat.

"I would have ended things with you regardless" I retorted, "Maybe I would have kept the facade up for a bit longer but we both knew we were done the moment you said that"

"We were done the moment she stepped foot back in London, Fred. Don't think I didn't notice it" Angelina pushed. I didn't want to rehash the same argument we'd have time after time. Especially not when we both knew that she was right.

"What did you tell them?" I asked, ignoring her point. Angelina scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Typical! You're only thinking about yourself" she muttered, "I mentioned to Rita that she should tail you both for a little while. I knew you'd eventually let something slip, I just didn't think it would be quite this big"

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