Twelve: Friendly

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"I was right" Fred whispered, as I sat down beside him at breakfast the next day. I snapped my head up to look at him, waiting for him to explain. "Hermione did snitch on us to Percy"

Fred nodded down the table, where Hermione and Percy were speaking animatedly, pouring over a book in front of them. I clapped my hand over my mouth and giggled a little.

"Did she really?" I whispered back.

"Yeah he came up to our room in a right state just after you'd left, but obviously there was no one there so wasn't really much he could do about it" Fred laughed. I held my nose to try and stop my laughter from coming out too loud.

I really wasn't surprised that Hermione had snitched, I'd have expected nothing less. I wasn't mad at all either, it was just nice that things weren't awkward between Fred and I.

We chatted all through breakfast, with no uncomfortable lulls or pauses. It was pleasant and I could breath a little sigh of relief that yesterday hadn't made things difficult when we would have to see each other so often in classes or at practice. But I couldn't read his mind. Fred just seemed happy and chirpy like he always was, and I couldn't help but feel confused as to what we were doing. Though I secretly hoped it might happen again.

"We're going to play a friendly game of Quidditch after lessons today" he said suddenly, "Ginny and Ron want help so they can maybe try out next year"

"Oh please come Tilly!" Ginny chimed, overhearing our conversation.

"I'd love to" I smiled back. It made the prospect of getting through a whole day of lessons a little easier, that was for sure.

"Coming to Herbology?" George called from the other side of the table, as he began to get up to leave the Great Hall. We both nodded and got to our feet too, trotting off together towards the greenhouses.

By the end of the day, I wasn't sure how I'd get through a quidditch match, whether it was friendly or not. O.W.L year was just as exhausting as everybody had said it would be.

I dragged my body from double Potions back to the common room with the twins as they excitedly planned ways they could prank Ron during the match. Unfortunately, I was far too tired to join in but relished in listening to their sordid plans.

Ron and Ginny were eager, already waiting in the common room dressed in their hand me down quidditch gear when we entered. The twins and I split off, going to get changed before joining back together, accompanied by Katie, Angelina and Harry. Even Hermione decided to tag along to act as referee.

Once we were out on the pitch, the twins began splitting us into teams of four, placing me with with George, Katie and Ginny, with Fred, Ron, Harry and Angelina on the other. We all pulled up into the air and immediately it was clear that the twins were going to be playing dirty, just as they'd planned.

It seemed when they were on opposing teams they were extremely competitive, trying to get one up on the other as often as possible.

"Foul!" Fred shouted at the top of his lungs, as George darted in front of Angelina playfully, blocking her from taking a shot at the unmanned post.

"Oh come on!" George protested back, rolling his eyes but gliding aside to let Angelina take a penalty shot.

"Alright well if we're playing like that" Fred huffed, a few feet in front of me on the pitch. I'd never seen them play against each other, and it was quite miraculous the way they turned on one another so quickly.

The game restarted after the penalty, everybody getting into their starting positions.

"I'm going to knock you off" Fred hushed in my ear, swishing beside me as the game started up again.

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