Fifty Two: Supper

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Luckily, the night of Ginny's dinner party, Otto was going to be staying in Ireland to drink all night with his team mates. There was no need to make up some silly excuse why he couldn't join me.

He'd left before me and I found myself alone in the house, getting ready and slowly packing a bag to spend the night at Fred's. I used an extension charm on a small handbag so not to raise any suspicion. We still had to keep it a secret, even if George, Hermione and Ginny now knew. I didn't want to give anymore reason for judgmental looks.

It felt wrong to prepare myself to spend time with Fred. Every occurrence up until now had been somewhat spontaneous. I could have claimed I was just getting wrapped up in the moment but now it was considered. We were being tactile.

I slung the small bag over my shoulder and took a last glance in the mirror above the fireplace to check my make up. Though nothing stood out, I couldn't really bear to look at myself for too long knowing what I was going to do this evening.

I stepped into the fireplace and recited Ginny's address, making sure to get the flat number correct. There was a rush of warm air and I stepped out into the open room.

Ginny's flat was bright an airy, it felt somewhat like an industrial building that had been turned into a liveable loft. The large open living space was separated out into a dining area, her kitchen and a cosy area to lounge on the sofa. A tight corridor ran down to the front door and couple more rooms appeared to run from it, presumably her bedroom and a bathroom.

Before I could even hand Ginny the bottle of wine I'd picked, she grabbed my hand and pulled me down the corridor into the bedroom. We passed Fred and George who were standing in the kitchen, beers in hand, looking very confused and Charlie who had already laid himself out on the sofa and took up half of it. He lifted his head lazily to see what we were doing.

"What on earth is the matter with you?" I hissed, as she shut the door behind us.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know she was coming. She wasn't meant to be. Fred said she was be seeing some friends tonight but they cancelled and he just couldn't say no to her" Ginny rambled.

"Breath!" I interrupted, "For goodness sake, slow down. What are you talking about?"

"Angelina is here, she's in the loo" Ginny said quietly, looking at her hands.

"You're kidding!" I blurted out, making Ginny shush me. "He said she wasn't coming!"

"I know! I'm so sorry, I wanted to drag you in here to give you the opportunity to bolt if you can't be around them"

"Well, I can't possibly go. They've all seen me now" I sighed, slumping on to the bed, that was really just a large mattress on top of piled pallets that Ginny has painted yellow.

"I'll say you're sick! You pulled me in here to get a stomach easing potion and I don't have any so you've had to go home" Ginny suggested, pulling the idea out of her arse.

"That's even worse!" I laughed, burying my face into my hands, "I'll just have to grin and bear it"

"You're sure?" Ginny replied quietly.

"Yes I'm sure" I muttered, "Is Alfie coming?"

Ginny nodded. At least I'd have a few people on my side.

We went out into the living area and everybody looked us expectantly, as if awaiting our explanation. Angelina was out of the toilet and stood between the twins, her hand linked with Fred's and the other clutching a deep red glass of wine.

"Where did you two get off to?" Angelina smiled sweetly.

I fucked your boyfriend.

The words just swam around in my head the moment I looked at her. It was aching to jump out. I knew saying it would swipe the patronising grin off her face but I kept my mouth zipped if I wanted it to carry on.

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