Thirteen: Jealous

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Fred had seemed better the next day and the one after that. He'd gotten over whatever had been biting at him and he seemed light and cheery again in lessons and even at practice.

When it came time for our weekly double Potions with the Slytherins, you could tell the twins were restless. The room had a certain atmosphere when they were in a good mood, but it meant very little work got done for anyone.

I finished up my Blood Replenishing potion and Snape whirled round to my cauldron, taking a vial and checking it over, before nodding reluctantly.

Just as he positioned his quill to write a mark across my parchment, there was a loud crash at the twin's work bench. Snape whipped his greasy mop of hair round to glare at them as a cloud of purple smoke billowed from a broken beaker. Snape turned his attention back to me.

"Do go and assist the Weasleys, they look like they need it" Snape said, loudly so the whole class heard. There was a round of dark laughter from the Slytherin side of the room and I ignored it, barging past Cassius Warrington and his gaggle of friends to get to the twins work bench.

"Watch where you're going, mudblood" Cassius spat, as he dusted off his robes. I rolled my eyes at him and began helping the twins with their work.

"Didn't you and him-" George whispered.

"He was my first kiss" I cut him off and made a slight gagging action. The twins laughed loudly and Cassius had clearly heard, scowling angrily over at us.

"And he called you a- well that word" Fred said, looking particularly furious over at Cassius.

"I don't really care it was a drunken mistake in third year, I'm sure he regrets it too" I shrugged.

"I don't see why he would" George said, raising his eyebrows at me and biting down on his lip, "You're quite good at it"

"Shut it" I scoffed, snatching the beaker he hadn't broken and pouring its contents into their shared cauldron.

"Here, you never did tell us which one of us is better" George said, nudging his twin in the side. Fred rolled his eyes but I could see a smirk trying to fight it's way on to his lips.

"All of us were very drunk that night, some of us more than others" I said, narrowing my eyes at George, "I don't think it would be fair to say"

"Go on then, give me another chance" George said playfully, running his hand along my arm as I reached over for their other ingredients. I couldn't help but laugh as I batted his hand away, if only he knew.

"For merlin's sake" Fred muttered, folding his arms tightly over his chest.

"What! Oh come on it was just a joke, Tilly knows it was a joke!" George laughed, looking pleadingly at his twin. Fred eased but I could still feel a tension in him, I suspected he didn't like George thinking of me in that way.

When the lesson was finally over, I helped the twins pack away and we left together, heading to the Great Hall to meet the rest of the team for lunch.

We strode through the grassy courtyard when suddenly I saw Cedric and his friends gathered by their usual tree in the corner. I held my breath tight in my chest, hoping there wouldn't be laughter or a stupid remark.

"Tilly!" Cedric called, as we walked past and my chest grew tighter.

"Not this prat again" Fred whispered under his breath.

The twins escorted me over to Cedric and his friends, even though they didn't have to, I was quietly grateful they were there, at least their presence meant they'd be deterred from saying anything awful.

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