Ten: Tantrums

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I'd been hoping for a much needed lie in after the party but I was rudely awoken to the sound of knocking on my door. I swung my legs out of bed, answering the door still in my pyjamas and with unkept hair.

"I'm taking the team to Hogsmeade" Oliver announced, "Get dressed"

As quickly as I could, I pulled clothes from my wardrobe but the sudden movements were making my head sore. I must have drunk more than I'd thought last night and when I met the rest of the team in the common room it was clear they were feeling the same. I'd never seen Katie look so grey before, as she greeted me quietly and leant on me for support.

Harry didn't join us, not having his note signed at the start of the year meant he wasn't allowed to come to Hogsmeade and nobody was in the mood to guide him around in his invisibility cloak.

Fred and George were leant on the back of the sofa, chatting wearily with Angelina. When I caught their eye, George and Angelina greeted me with sleepy 'good morning's while Fred made a point of not looking up at me. I wracked my brain to find something I'd done last night to upset him but I drew a blank.

Bleary eyed and slower than usual, we all trudged along the path from the castle towards the town. Katie clung to my arm the entire way and looked as though she may collapse if she let go.

"Last night was good" she said quietly, slowing down so we were at the back of the group, "Your kiss with Fred was... something else"

"Wasn't it?" I gushed, "I thought I was imagining things"

"You weren't, we all noticed" Katie whispered, nodding up to Fred, nearer the front of the group.

"I'll tell you something if you promise not to tell anybody else?" I said and Katie nodded, as excitedly as she could in her hungover state, "He's the best kiss, I've ever had"

"Really!" Katie gasped, a little too loud causing some of the group to turn round to look at us. Fred stared at us, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

Oliver took us to Honeydukes and bought us anything we wanted. He was in the best mood I'd ever seen him and didn't even flinch when the twins had stuffed their pockets with anything they could get a hold of. Oliver simply dropped a stack of gold coins on the desk and paid for everything.

Next, we went to Zonko's where Oliver said the same again, that we could have whatever we wanted. The twins ran off completely overwhelmed by everything in the shop.

"Everybody meet outside once you're done and we'll go to the Three Broomsticks!" Oliver called, like a teacher to his students on a school trip.

I skimmed the shelves but couldn't find anything I wanted so decided to wait outside, perching on the ledge of the windowsill. Giving myself a minute to breath and take in the fresh air, I watched witches, wizards and other students pass by. I didn't really recognise anybody until a crop of sandy coloured hair bobbed into view coming out from the Post Office.

Cedric saw me immediately and I gave a weak wave, there was no hiding that we'd seen each other. He crossed the busy street and leant next to me on the windowsill, peering into the shop at the rest of the team.

"Is Oliver on his post-win buying spree?" Cedric chuckled.

"He does this often then?" I asked earnestly.

"Yeah, he's known for it, it's lucky you guys don't win much otherwise he'd be skint" Cedric teased. I hit him lightly on the arm, but giggled to myself quietly, there was no ignoring how charming he was. We stood in a stagnant silence for a moment and I just couldn't think of anything I wanted to say.

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