Thirty Four: Task

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The return to Hogwarts after our weekend away was refreshing. I felt an extra spring in my step as I sauntered between lessons and I felt more in love with Fred than I had ever been.

The last term of the year was nearing and with it, the final task. Hermione had been preparing Harry for sometime, with little clues as to what it might be. She was absent from our dorm most evenings after we'd come back from our stay at Lovegoods, opting to spend her time in the library researching every protective charm possible. It gave me and Fred amble opportunity to hide away in my empty dorm.

On one night in particular, I decided to join her.

"Do you really have to go?" Fred whined, sitting on the armrest to the sofa. I stood between his open legs as he clung to my hand, pleading with me this stay.

"Yes, I want to help" I smiled, intertwining our fingers, "I'll be back in no time"

"Hermione is there for hours" he grumbled, looking gloomily down at our connected hands.

"I won't be long, I promise" I said, leaning up and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"You both make me sick" George muttered under his breath. He was stretched across the sofa taking up every seat, his head propped up by the other armrest. Fred stuck his middle finger up at George, who rolled his eyes lazily and went back to scribbling in his notebook. 

"He's just grumpy because he hasn't got any in a while" Fred teased, speaking loudly enough that George would hear.

"I'm leaving before this turns into a fight, goodbye you two" I waved, before darting to the portrait, the sounds of their bickering following behind.

Embarking on the marble staircase, I made my way to the library, finding Hermione stashed between two of the heavy bookcases, her worktop already covered in handwritten notes and volumes on every charm available. But she was beginning to pack them away.

"Oh Tilly, I didn't think you'd actually come" Hermione grimaced, her cheeks turning slightly red, "Something's come up"

"Something's come up?" I asked, lifting an eyebrow, "And what would that be?"

"Viktor" she replied sheepishly, "See, it's the final task next week which means he'll be leaving soon so he wanted to spend some time together, but I can stay if you like"

"Go, honestly, have a good time" I grinned, "Leave these here, I'll finished off your notes"

"You're sure? It's really intricate stuff. I just wanted to get as much as possible for Harry to look over" Hermione blustered, placing the books back down on the table.

I nodded and sat down, taking her place at the worktop and finding the page she'd just been on.

"Enjoy yourself!" I called, winking at Hermione.

"Oh stop it" she blushed.

Hermione waved me goodbye and disappeared from the corridor to find Krum. I took my reading glasses from inside my robes at placed them carefully on my face to begin.

Hermione had been right, the charms she'd been looking up more complicated than anything I'd done before and I hardly understood how a fourth year would be able to do them. I was so entranced by the wand motion diagrams that I hardly when notice when somebody began to linger behind me.

"How much is Harry paying you all for this?" Cedric chuckled, leaning over my shoulder and taking a look at the notes I was scrawling down.

"Anything to help the Hogwarts champion" I muttered, keeping my eyes fixed on the parchment.

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