Forty Three: Change

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In a rush of firework powder, they were gone. Only a week had passed and they were gone. I was naive enough to think we'd have more time.

I knew why the twins had left. They had no choice now they were off the Quidditch team. It'd been the only thing they'd actually put any effort in while they'd been here. That and trying to wind up every professor they possibly could.

Of course I was proud and everybody told me every single day since how heroic they were, how funny the fireworks had been, especially that one that chased Malfoy. It was all I heard about for weeks it seemed. I'd heard the story recounted a multitude of ways. One of which included Fred dumping me before hopping on his broomstick, which absolutely didn't happen. I didn't even get to see him leave.

After being banned from the team, we lost the Slytherin match, and with no doubt in my mind that they'd play well against Ravenclaw, we'd be sure to have lost the cup. It was my last chance here and it was gone.

I felt more disconnected from Hogwarts than ever and I found myself counting down the days until seventh year was over with. Every now and then my necklace would become warm against my skin and it only reminded me that Fred was out there somewhere having a wonderful time without me.

It was another morning, without Fred sitting across the table from me and I found myself staring blankly at the copy of the Daily Prophet Hermione had finished reading. She was talking to me about something but my mind was a million miles away.

"Wilde" somebody called. I looked up to see
Cormac McClaggen hovering behind Hermione.

He had an awfully smug look on his face and I couldn't for the life of me think what he'd have to say to me. He'd hardly looked in my direction since I hadn't given him a place on the team. With his arrogance I half expected him to ask that he was appointed as captain now that I was out.

"What?" I sighed, looking wearily up from my bowl of porridge.

"I was just thinking," he paused, tapping a finger to his lips, "Since, you know, Weasley's gone and all that, you're single now aren't you?"

I opened my mouth but before I could even utter my dismay a flash of dark red hair rushed to the table.

"Don't even think about it McClaggen" Ginny scoffed, pushing past him and slamming her heavy book bag on the table, "She is not single, nor would she ever be interested in you"

Cormac rolled his eyes and muttered something to himself before wandering off to join the other sixth year boys at the end of the table.

"Thanks" I mumbled, going back to churning my spoon in the bowl.

"Merlin, I'm tired of this moping" Ginny exclaimed, waving her hand in front of my face, "Exams are over, we've got a week left before you see Fred again. Can't you just enjoy your last few days at Hogwarts?"

I looked at her gloomily across the table. Her cheeks had gone pink, making her freckles stick out especially, just like Fred's did. Her brows were dipped and her mouth agape as she waited for me to say something. She was right, I'd been awful to be around the past couple of weeks.

"I'm just-" I began, before cutting myself off.

"You're just what?" Ginny pushed, "Look, we all miss them but they're still writing everyday aren't they? They're probably just busy, figuring out what they're going to do next"

"I'm just tired of hearing about it" I cut, "Fred not being here has been awful for me. He just left, I barely even got a proper goodbye and worst of all I had to hear about it from everybody else"

"Oh give it a rest, Till!" Ginny whined, "It doesn't mean anything. Fred loves you, you'll see him in week and everything will be fine"

She'd never sounded so grumpy with me. I had a strange feeling she was just as tired of hearing how daring and brave her brothers were. I could only guess how furious their mother was when they'd turned up on her doorstep too.

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