Forty Five: Gloomy

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The house felt different when I got home and I was quietly thankful that Otto was already asleep when I pushed into the bedroom.

I took my dress off slowly and slid into bed next to him. He didn't lift his head or even stir. I couldn't help but be reminded that when Fred and I had lived together he'd wait up until I was home.

I'd fling open the door to the flat, sometimes absolutely steaming and he's never be annoyed. He'd be waiting on the sofa or sat around the kitchen island, with a glass of water ready for me. If I was particularly drunk he'd help me into bed or if I was sober enough for a chat he'd been keen to hear what gossip I had to tell him. More often than not we'd be falling home together.

But I knew if was unfair to compare them, deep down.

I laid awake that night after arguing with Fred, just staring at the ceiling. Fred and I had hardly argued when we'd lived together. It was bliss. Once we were out of Hogwarts there was nobody to be jealous over, it was just me, him and George living peacefully above the shop. So bickering with him tonight made my heart race.

Getting in his face and not having it end with us taking our frustration to the bedroom felt wrong. I had all of this excess energy that needed to be used up. The idea to wake Otto briefly crossed my mind and then faded again quite quickly. We hadn't done anything like that in months.

The nights following were difficult too. At least in the day I could keep myself busy, sorting things out around the house, job hunting for a new team to play or visiting my family. But at night all I thought about was how my old life in London had been.

Once a few days had passed, Ginny came knocking again. It had seemed like a good idea to live near each other in Islington again when Otto and I had been looking for a house but I quickly remembered that Ginny had always had an issue with boundaries and never quite took the hint when I wanted to be left alone.

"We're all going for dinner, won't you both come?" Ginny whined.

It was 7pm and I hadn't cooked dinner yet. I peered through to the living room where Otto had his eyes glued to an American football game.

"Otto's watching a game so I don't think we can tonight" I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Are you watching it?" Ginny huffed, glaring into the lounge.

"Well no, I don't really care for it but-" I started.

"So then you'll come then. Tell him you're going out! Get him to order a pizza or something I don't know" Ginny exclaimed, interrupting me.

"Just because he's American doesn't mean he likes-"

"You know I didn't mean it like that! Just come out, please" she begged, sticking out her bottom lip and cutting me off before I could protest further, "Fred says he'll be on his best behaviour"

"Then I definitely won't be coming!" I laughed, "Do you really think I can be in a room with him after that?"

"You've always been alright with each other after an argument in the past, I don't see how this is any different"

"It's very different" I said quietly, raising my eyebrows at her suggestively.

"Alright, I don't need to know!" she squealed, "Just come, you're already dressed. It'd be better to get it over with, you know with Fred and Angelina"

"Angelina's going?" I asked, lowering my voice.

"Yes, but oh please Tilly! You can't stay cooped up here. You're going to have to see them together at some point" Ginny said, folding her arms over her chest like a grumpy toddler.

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