Forty Eight: Hurt

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I didn't dare go back to the shop for well over a week. Even if Ginny invited me I'd ignore her letters or pretend they'd gotten lost. I couldn't be around Fred after that.

I thought I'd wanted him to kick up a fuss and have something to say about me getting married, but when it was happening it was just too overwhelming.

Besides, it felt like he was only saying it to prove some kind of point. It didn't mean he wanted me to leave Otto for him, he just wanted to wind me up or feel like he'd won in some way.

The only thing more stressful than my feelings for Fred was my hunt for a job. Otto was restless, training everyday just so he didn't spend time at the house and so desperate to get scouted for a new Quidditch team here. I'd been so wrapped up in getting my old life back that I'd let it all slip, but it became a helpful distraction.

"I've set us up five meetings" Otto explained on a Tuesday morning, "They've got an hour each, they'll all be at the Leaky Cauldron and it's the best teams the UK has got"

I was eating a piece of toast and scanning the Quibbler while he spoke. I just couldn't find the energy to take it seriously but I knew this is what we had to do if we wanted to play again.

"What if one of them wants you and not me? Or the other way around?" I asked, putting my plate in the sink and dusting crumbs off my skirt.

"Come on, sweetheart. We've spoken about this, no jealousy, we've both got to find a team. I'd want you to take it" he said, reading over his schedule for the day on a piece of parchment.

"Yes, I would too" I nodded. The idea that he might get accepted to some team up in Scotland made me feel better, miles between us would be a nice change.

"Better get to it!" Otto announced, clapping his hands together and waiting in front of the fireplace. I rolled my eyes and let him go first before following behind and arriving at the Leaky Cauldron.

The five meetings were painfully boring, each one asked nearly the same questions. What will you bring to the team? What's been your greatest achievement through your Quidditch career so far? Blah blah blah.

Otto answered perfectly, his thick American accent making anything sound good. I muttered my response after each of his, feeling stupid and sorry for myself.

After each one Otto seemed absolutely aghast that he wasn't given a spot on the team then and there. It was as if the idea of having a trial seemed to have completely slipped his mind, and we'd both been invited to a trial for each team. That was a win in my book.

"This wouldn't happen back home!" he groaned after the last meeting ended. He downed the rest of his pint and his face had gone red. "They'd know who I was and appreciate that I even wanted to be on their team"

"You have to try-out for every team" I sighed, looking gloomily into my pint, "We'll find somewhere"

"I don't know how you're so relaxed! We don't have an unlimited supply of money so you can keep running around with your friends" he snapped. I couldn't even be bothered to argue back so instead I shrugged, which only made him more angry.

"Maybe I'll join the Hollyhead Harpies" I mused.

"The all-female team?" Otto scoffed.

"Ginny plays for them. They're an excellent team" I protested.

"Don't you want to move up in the world? Play for someone big?" he cried.

"I don't know, Otto. Maybe a change of pace would be nice" I sighed.

"I'm going home, are you coming?" Otto said, ignoring my reasoning and standing up expectantly.

"I think I'll stay for another drink" I shrugged.

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