Twenty Nine: Silver

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On the day of the Yule Ball, there was hardly a moment to breathe. Hogwarts seemed to be alive with excitement, feeling fuller than ever with the visitors under the roof. We'd been shut out of the Great Hall in preparation for the evening and all day long, small clusters of students would hover outside the door, desperate for a peek inside.

"I heard it's all sparkling gold" Ginny whispered, her eyes with a certain glint to them.

Hermione, Ginny, Katie and I were crammed into our dorm a few hours before the ball commenced, all trying to get ready at once is a flurry of tulle, satin and lace. We'd squashed round the mirror to do our make up and speculate what the ball might be like.

"Gold?" Katie laughed, "It's got to be winter themed. I'm imaging ice sculptures and silver"

We all gushed quietly to ourselves, hoping that she was right. Hermione emerged from the bathroom in her dress, the last of us to get changed and she stood marvelling as herself behind us in the mirror, swishing her periwinkle dress around her body.

"Hermione!" Ginny gasped. Hermione's cheeks flushed bright red as she began to pin her hair up.

"Tell us who your date is!" Katie squealed, "Go on, we'll see in an hour or so"

"Just wait" Hermione rolled her eyes, but a smile remained on her glossy lips.

I finished off with a quick swipe of lipstick and stood back, admiring my own work. The mauve dress had slipped on so perfectly. It caressed every shape and curve of my body and as I ran my hands over my hips the delicate satin fabric felt heavenly under my finger tips. The neckline plunged a little, showing the slightest hint of my clavicle. I'd dreamt about wearing it again since the day it had been altered at the muggle tailors on King's Road.

I tilted my head, looking at myself in the mirror. I felt the best I could, but something was still missing. The moment I'd learnt there was a ball I'd imagined attending with Fred, walking through the doors on his arm, but here I was, waiting to meet my Slytherin date who barley saw me as anything other than a dispensable play thing. There was a tight knot forming in my stomach as I smoothed out any flyaway hairs.

"You look wonderful" Ginny sighed, looking at me in the mirror as though she could sense my tension.

"You look lovely too" I whispered, wrapping my arm around her shoulder, "Neville's a lucky boy"

A nervous laugh emitted from Ginny, one I'd never heard before. She was usually so sure of herself but her ears had suddenly gone as pink as the skirt of her dress.

Once finished, we gathered in the common room with the other girls. There were anxious whispers and everyone was clad in their best dress robes in array of flattering hues. We huddled in our group and waited to be escorted down to the Great Hall with Professor McGonagall.

As the sound of our heels against the marble stairs echoed through the chamber down to the Great Hall, the knot became tighter and tighter. I spied Angelina up the front, her long dark hair in loose curls flicking around her shoulders.

I knew I would have to see them together tonight. I'd known for weeks. I'd been trying to prepare myself but as we approached it made the nightmare become reality. I could make out two identical boys, standing tall over everyone else in the Entrance Hall. Our eyes met and my heart thumped violently against my rib cage.

The matching dress robes fit them perfectly, making them look cleaner than ever. Fred's hair parted in the middle and hung perfectly around his face, which seemed to glow in the light of the torches that lined the hall. Our eyes stayed on each other and he only broke away when Angelina ran towards him.

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