Forty Two: Detention

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The Ravenclaw match might have been done with but the Slytherin one was fast approaching. It was always the most tense game of the year and you could feel it in the air.

"We're practicing three times a week at the moment, don't you think it's bit much Til?" Ron groaned, after another successful training. He slumped on the sofa, still in his quidditch uniform.

"The Slytherin team practice four times a week, so you're lucky it's not any more than that" I huffed.

Fred sat down in an armchair by the fire and I nestled into his lap as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I saw Ginny and Ron exchange a look for a moment but we ignored it.

"We're only practicing so much because it gets these two riled up" George sighed, sitting across from us in the opposite armchair.

"Excuse me, no it doesn't" I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him. I was lying. It was a flat out lie.

"So you haven't been shagging in the Captain's office after every single session then?" George cut, the corners of his lips lifting slightly.

Fred pulled the pillow from behind him and lobbed it at George but he caught it before it hit his face.

"We have not" I lied, my scarlet cheeks telling a different story.

We had been. After that first time, there was something about that office that drove us mad. It felt like all the our pent up feeling just seemed to disappear when he'd throw me against that desk. It took away all the stress of the encroaching match.

The week leading up to the match, Hogwarts felt more tense than ever. Not only were verbal attacks from the Slytherins hurled at us, but physical ones too.

"Hurry up, you two! Tilly is waiting for you to go to Potions" Hermione scoffed as the twins poured over a new design scribbled in Fred's notebook. I was standing beside the Gryffindor table, my bag already over my shoulder and my arms crossed.

The twins rolled their eyes at each other and Fred snapped his book shut before smiling up at me sarcastically.

We left the Great Hall together as the twins were excitedly explaining an invention they'd been planning. I was so enthralled by Fred, the way his cheek went pink and his walk had a certain bounce to it, that I barely noticed the gaggle of boys that were heading towards us.

Fred had just finished telling me about the charms they'd need to master to get the contraception to work when suddenly something caught around my ankle and whipped me out from under my feet. My head banged painfully against the hard floor and I felt a sharp pain ripple through my body.

"What the fuck" I mumbled, pulling myself into a sitting position. My ears were ringing and everything felt a little blurry from the shock but I could feel pressure on my shoulder.

There was the sound of brogues clattering against stone as the boys scattered and George went after one in particular. Fred's hand rubbed back and forth comfortingly across my shoulder but I could barely register his touch. My body was numb.

"Til- answer me?" Fred sighed.

"Hmm?" I mumbled again, watching as George paced towards us looking defeated. I looked up hazily at Fred and he had the same concerned expression he always seemed to whenever I got hurt, which was more often than not recently.

"Does she have a concussion?" George asked, crouching beside Fred. I suddenly felt very small and it seemed silly to have them both fawning over me. I shook them off and stood to my feet, batting off the thin layer of dust that had covered the back of my skirt.

"I do not, I'm fine" I huffed.

"I think Warrington went for your ankle" Fred sighed, putting his arm loosely around my shoulder.

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