Chapter 14: Ruins of a Fallen Empire

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Clicking sounds echoed in the office as I assembled and recalibrated the sight for my compound bow. It had been off-center in the few practice shots I let loose at a target. The eighty-five-pound draw weight wasn't exactly a walk in the park either.
"Damn it, and this is one of the best tools have for Cerberus." I sighed setting the sight down.

"Commander,  Lupo has arrived." White queen's robotic voice spoke.

"Enter!" I called out turning to face the door.

"Commander Tabitha it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Just call me Tabitha, Karena. How are your kids?"

"They are well. The local schools accept them no problem and they have wonderful friends." She smiled, "On to business, what do you need me and my team."

"A group of hunters went into a Cerberus infested woods it's a simple grab and tag while I handle the Cerberus near the old research base. I can't have B.O.W.s threatening guests and my mission. Does that sound like a reasonable mission for the hour?" I spoke sitting behind my modern white desk.

"Are you kidding? It has been years since we mobilized together. It will be fun." she nodded.

I smiled and extended my hand, " Then let us make this a good night with no injuries.".

Karena took my hand and an audible clap sound when they made contact, "Yes commander! Ohhh sorry, Tabitha."

We started laughing and headed down to the vehicle bay.

It was a ten-minute walk to the bay. I keep it on the main floor of the base to keep mobilization at the highest efficacy. if an outbreak happened we would mobilize to the location and be ready and at the location within the next 24 hours. That was one of the pride and joys of the Pheonix Corps. Since all employees were former Umbrella victims and associates hoping to redeem themselves. when we arrived I smiled and stared out over the command center I once called home, the safe haven from Surgei. I shook my head.

"ALRIGHT AT ATTENTION PHEONIX CORPS," I shouted out my voice echoing through the bay.

"Is that the commander?" a young female asked.

"Yes it is show some respect." an older gentleman said.

"Well it's good to see she didn't bite it in the back alleys somewhere." one of the agents chuckled.

"QUIET!!!!" Lupo shouted drawing everybody's undivided attention.

"Thank you, Karena. Greetings my Pheonix operatives, I do apologize for the hour but we have a situation so I must cut the address short. Earlier this evening five guests went into the quarantined zone near the ruins of the old umbrella base, When I arrived I heard Cerberus prowling the forest I need a silent mobilization around the border as Lupo's team and I run the rescue and extermination opp. LET'S MAKE IT A SAFE AND EFFICIENT NIGHT WITH NO CASUALTIES!" I spoke into the speaker in the collar of my combat uniform.

What I next I saw shocked me to my soul, the agents and tech operations were at attention and shouted, "UNDERSTOOD COMMANDER WESKER!!!"
my plans were slowly coming together.

"Commander Tabitha!" a young tall  dirty blonde man came up to me "I am agent nighthawk, Lady white queen assigned me to be your escort from henceforth."

"Ah, Welcome to my team agent hawk. I guess I'll see what you are capable of tonight." I shook the man's hand and loaded my bow onto a black and blue ATV," come on your driving".

" yes, mam."

we loaded our last bit of gear and rolled out followed by the wolf pack and three border teams. the wind was bracing as we rode out to the forest the dark was looming and horrifying for the untrained. the air slowly shifts from a crisp fresh breeze to wood rot and decay. the forest grew oppressive as we keep getting closer to the nearby ruins left by a pharmaceutical empire that destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives.

"So what's your story kid," I asked.

"Huh," hawk clicked on his earpiece "Sorry I'm hard off hearing could you repeat the question commander."

"I had asked what's your story? Why did you join Pheonix Corps?" I asked moving my mic higher up on my neck.

"Oh, there's not much to say. I was in one of Umbrella secret breeding programs. when they tried to create perfect soldiers, they wanted to make me have hawk wings or something like that." he chortled at the mentioning of the wings.

"project paradise?" I asked the young agent.

"It was project a.c.r.o.h. mam." his voice dropped, "It was started in 1987, the first family was my mom and my aunt..... I was born in mid-1988 and I had the stub of incomplete wings. I have marked a failure at birth."

"you wouldn't be here if they did. they did something to you didn't they?" I asked worriedly.

"smart lady, then when I was five they infected me with the T-Virus and injected me with hawk DNA. I grew the wings that they wanted. when I had fully grown accustomed to the wings they injected me with Prototype T vaccine and remained me under their watch until I was freed in '02. I was in the japan base till it shut down in '02 when the B.S.A.A raided the place." agent hawk smirked and sped up, " eyes up! Cerberus at ten o'clock."

"Rodger,  move to its seven range," I ordered and drew my bow slowly and precisely as hawk routed us to the beast's seven o'clock range.

"All right at seven," he said.

I nod and let the bowstring loose then a steel-tipped arrow pierced thru the dog's skull and it let out so high-pitched squeal signifying its death. the pack was alerted and I drew more arrows. draw, aim and fire that's all that ran through my head as more and more beasts sped into my vision. No matter the beast's speed my shoot was fast by the time five minutes past ten beasts laid down dead clotted infected blood dripped from their mouths.

"command this is Beltway rouges have been detained and heading back on was drunk and fell in need of medical attention." a deep voice spoke.

"Alright, good work alpha team, head back to base and have medical check them all. Also, all units beware of more Cerberus their number is higher than I anticipated." I spoke with warning dripping from my voice," we need to have trained guards at the entrance for this part of the woods, a propper lockdown for the fenced-off area with the number of wolves turning into Cerberus, we have no idea what all has been infected."

Nighthawk stared out into the forest nodding in agreement," I'll handle that task force mam," he said unholstering his killer seven and shooting a charging deer straight in the head," after all I'm the best sharpshooter you got." He smirked his honey eye glowed a slight orange in the ultraviolet scanner in my vizor.

"Alright, Kid I'll give you a chance. Lupo the wolf pack will be busy from now on and agent hawk will be with you all understood," I chimed into the mic on the collar.

"UNDERSTOOD COMMANDER!!!" they shouted.

"alright head back, White queen move out the construction team and set up and repair the steel chain link fence for the quarantine zone,'' I ordered.

"yes my lady, deploying construction unit three gamma." the white queen  AI said appearing on my vizor.

"Alright all units return to base," I spoke smiling.

With a resounding "right" from my teams, we headed leaving behind the ruins of a fallen pharmaceutical empire.


no more hiatus new fresh chapters coming very soon

my name is slifarianhawk and im not so far away.

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