Chapter 3: A true fight

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I was thrown back into reality with a mere crack of the ceramic tile beneathe my feet. The massive humanoid was walking toward me. My mind started to race a million miles per second. I knew one hit I would be gravely injured and I was damn sure not ready to die today.

I said a quick prayer to who'd ever listened and bolted to the wall on the other side of the room. The room was about 350 hundred square feet yet also narrow. The ceiling was at leat twenty feet off the floor. Seven columns of varying sizes stood spread apart weirdly. It wasnt hard to figure out this was this B.O.Ws testing room.

Several seconds pass before I reached the wall on the other side of the room. I sighed, if I had my Samurai Egde this would at least be manageable. Then I ripped from my planning the brute swung its axe down. Dropping to the floor, dust cascaded down from above me. The massive butchering tool was stuck in the wall not eight inches above my head.

"Fuck that was close." I muttered rolling from where I was. With a quick side step my body was at the shortest column. Scrambling I pulled myself up on the cracked pillar and regained my composure. Fear is one thing the damn bastard didn't deserve to see from me. Not after he left me to die not once or even twice, but four damn times.

The bruly beast twisted pulling its weapon from the massive crevice it had just created. The damn thing would learn what it means to mess with a true killer. Taking a quick look around I found my target and leaped. The next pillar was pointed and hard to land upon ;however, holding my balence wasn't difficult.

The creature was slow and took up alot of room . That there was its weakness. If I was anything other than desperate I was extremely agile. Then it B.O.W made its move. In a crazed fit it swung its axe. It destroyed the plinth i was previously on. At the moment I knew my plan.

In a flash I constantly leapt up the to the taller structures. In an attempt to keep me still the "Executioner" Wesker sent after me fell straight into my trap. It slammed the hammer side into the largest column and it fell straight on top of him. Before jumping from my current position I grabbed the black knife from my combat boot.

"Round two...." I took my leap of fate and fell towards the monster with a wild smirk on my face. Twisting in the air, my body and blade became in perfect alignment. My boot grind down the axe to the brutes throat. In that moment the white walls turns a disgusting brown and red. The beasts throat and brain stem were severed.

The body writhed but with no doubt it was dead. Nothing can survive the brain stem being severed. Its the link between the command of the nervous system and the rest of the body.

"Set.. Match. Its trachea and brain stem are cut off from the rest of the body." I glared at the glass, "Is that all you have failures and proto types?!?"

A voice crackled through the speaker, it was a female "He had to step out but im sure he has grown bored of you, have fun with his original work."

That could only mean one thing. A creaking and hissing noise came from deeper in the room. A massive chamber appeared to raise from the floor. Inside of it....the sight nearly made me puke from PTSD... a Tyrant.

"Are you sure the last time we did something like this it didn't play out in our favor at all...." I spoke cleaning the chamber of my Beretta. My S.T.A.R.S. uniform fully stocked with extra magazines and a few poision recovery items.

"Yes my dear. If we do this umbrella will fall and the research will remain where it belongs." The blonde male said, "The data transfer should go off with out an issue."

"Just be damn sure none of my friends get hurt, after that incident with my mother I can't handle it." I growled loading my hand gun.

I glared at the computer screen with the umbrella logo slowly spinning.

"Don't worry they are more than capable I've seen to that little lotus." He smirked his eyes full of some cocky emotion well hidden behind dark glasses.

"You promise wesk?" I walked up and whispered in his ear.

"Anything for you little lotus." He said kissing my lightly on the neck.
Later that night

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD YOU LIED TO ME!" I roared Chris holding me back by my wrist. I was seething , my vision stained an evil red.

"Did you expect anything else my dear? I needed to test the B.O.Ws against trained flesh and blood combatants." Wesker laughed, "now my dear you and I shall be taking our leave."

"Like hell I will. You harmed my friends..... You kidnapped and nearly killed my brother. This is line that never should of been crossed." I growled my brown eyes narrowed in him. My husband was my target, "and my targets never escape."

"Such a waste, I had extremely high expectations for my little lotus and Chris you make me proud." Wesker pointed a gun at my head.

"Wesker!" Chris said with disgust.

"Tonight truly was an excellent for gathering data on umbrellas B.O.Ws against flesh and blood combatants" he smirked walking toward the center aisle.


"Excellent deduction Tabitha; however, I don't don't need them any more." He clicked a button revealing a creature encased in glass," The ultimate life form Tyrant, It's beautiful."

"You are fucking sick!" A deep seated growl ran through my chest.

I wish my words were different, for what I witnessed sent me in to an unbridled depression swirling with killing intent. The Tyrant ran its long clawed hand through Alberts abdomen.


I released a bone chilling screech. My eyes burned. Rage, all that was there was an unrelenting screaming rage. I started laughing manicly.

"Its been eight years since I last saw the T-02 model Tyrant model. " I spoke drawing out each breath. Each one sounding like a sharp growl or like a hiss,"and I killed it with out a second thought."

Slowly, I stalked up to the chamber. Every step just grew heavier and heavier. Time was going either horrifyingly fast or ungodly slow. My mind was racing even faster than earlier. Stopping at the chamber, I stared at the flithy beast.

" It's..... It's ......IT'S" I mumbled rapidly.

"Aw lost for words no, isn't it gorgeous?" The female voice rang out.

"ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING AND DOESN'T DESERVE TO LIVE!" I snapped punching through the glass and ripped off the clawed hand of the tyrant, "This is "beautiful" to you fools, Then I'll need to destroy it."

I kicked the glass and it completely shattered. The beast awakening; however, I was a step ahead and impaled its massive heart with my knife. It dropped to its knees. I chuckled darkly and impaled the monstrousity through the skull with its claw.

It let out a grunt as it bleed from being stabbed through with its own hand. I ripped the knife from its heart then proceeded to decapitate it. I picked up the head. I'd use it to further my act as Alistar.

The wall on the other side of the room opened revealing a brightly lit room. Inside was Albert Wesker.

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