It has been a month since I was "allowed" into the Uroboros project, and things are going off without a hitch. Slowly but surely I fell into a routine. This action in itself was an important one as it allowed me to fall to the background. In order to get deeper into the Uroboros project, I had to gain his trust. All in all, things were going to plan except for one person, Excella Gionne. She rarely left Wesker's side, the only times she did was when: she goes to the bathroom, when she goes to sleep, when he is doing his research, or when he's training. I could tell the woman was into Albert."Ms. Lancaster please report to the training facility in thirty minutes." the harpies voice rang throughout the common areas. I stood up from my bed and started to dress pulling my hair back into a basic braid and dressing in my basic training uniform. I only wished it had sleeves and that I didn't have to wear stupid glasses. The glasses were a part of Vladimir's design for Angelis virus subjects. The virus causes mutation in the retina, augmenting the minds ability to process sharper images in a mere hundred thousandth of a second. The major drawback was light had to be drowned out as the retina's sensitivity to light had became maximized. The secondary effect was a change in color in the iris ranging from black with meant minor acceptance, grey with moderate acceptance of the virus, leaving the final stage cobalt blue with a silver outline which represented a perfect match.
I opened the door and sighed as I started down the corridor. The place didn't warm up to me at all in the past month. Not like anyone expected to be welcomed in a concrete prison like this. Sigh, I believe the expression was out of the frying pan and into the fire. I bet even debt collectors had an easier time with their work. I march into the training room and Jill is already there.
"I guess he has me assigned to train with you again," I spoke rolling my neck.
"That's right as much as it pains me to consistently fight a 24-year-old with umbrella training. This damn thing means I have to do that bastards business." Jill spoke pointing to the device now covered by her battle suit.
"Yea we may not like it so let's get it over with," I started getting into a combat position.
I and Jill spared for roughly thirty minutes. After a few sets of blows, one on us either ended up in a leg or armbar. At this point, I was sore from the constant twisting of joints so I took it upon myself to make sure I won this so I didn't get reprimanded for 'holding back'. Jill wrapped her legs around I grabbed her knees putting pressure on the nerve endings in the back of her knee making her release me. With a massive pull, I flipped her on to her stomach then while standing on the top of her spine bent her thighs behind her back putting her in a Single leg Boston crab lock.
Jill screamed in agony, I place more pressure on the curvature of her back. Doing this causes pressure on her lungs and she had to stop screaming. Attempting to clutch her neck I twisted her leg causing her body to spasm in pain. She let out a raspy screech indicating she was running out of oxygen. She threw her head back and tapping the stone cold floor. I released Jill from the hold and she rolled away from me. I was tempted to throw back my head and start laughing sadistically; however, figuring I needed to keep my composer in front of my old partner.
It was at this moment I heard a slow clap. Turning I faced Wesker, who was just entering the room. The sound was coming from him.
"Impressive while I wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary, That last spar showed me one thing, Ms. Valentine you are not strong enough to be Ms. Lancasters sparring partner anymore." He said to Jill who was trying to pull her self over to the bench, "I believe you need more of a challenge Alistar, I could tell the times Jill was the victor you were blatantly holding back."
"It was that obvious huh? I must be getting rusty, Surgei used to make sure female agents appear weak and fragile even during combat." I rolled my eyes as Jill panted looking slightly shocked, "It is not much you can do though it's not like there are any others I train with.".

resident evil: arch angel [An Albert Wesker X Oc Story]
AçãoAfter the death of her student, she delves into the depths of insanity to save the one she loved. With her goals pure and her heart set, she knew what she had to do. She had to untwist his mind, break it down, and pull everything from underneath him...