After placing the p30 device on Jill I instructed Ms. Lancaster to escort and lock her in a personel room. Jill was under my control only in limited bouts until I could manufacture more of the drug. Tabitha sent me a valuable asset, Ms. Lancaster did exactly as I said when I said to with out hesitation. I'm unsure if it was Sergeis descipline or my lotus's teachings that caused her to be so obident. I could tell that she execrising discretion in my presence but no matter as long as she didn't get in my way everything will be fine."Albert are you sure about this "Alistar" woman. I don't think having her around is a good idea, Uroboros is almost complete." Excella spoke as she opens the case with this months supply of the PG67A/W serum.
"Are you doubting my decision Excella? If you must know from what I read of my wifes research the Angelis virus will be the perfect boost to Uroboros. It would allow certain brain function, thus allowing the infected to be susceptible to control. The best part it is very selective, just as Uroboros should be. She will be beyond an asset." I explained sitting down next next to her.
I pulled up my sleve and she wrapped the band around my arm. I dispised her touch; however, I put up with it as to keep her unsuspisous to my true intentions. She was good at her job but mainly the funds she was able to provide was far more substantial than the connections ever could ever hope to muster up. That alone was the reason I kept her around.
I was very much amused when I told her I was married. She had completely lost her composure. Would it ever be said, no it would not. The only ones who will ever know that I enjoy women losing the composure is William and my lotus. At the thought of her I sighed.
"What is wrong Albert dear?" Excella asked looking at me with concern as she injected me with the serum.
"I'm just relieving tension in my muscles. This has been a difficult past few days for me." I said.
"Is it about that woman?" Excella asked looking slightly cheeky.
"Not directly, rather what information she brought to light." I sat up, "Its about my deceased wife."
Excellas face cringed at the mention of my lotus, "What do you mean?".
"It doesn't matter now, She is gone and there is nothing that can be done about it. Now Excella it is late and I haven't had a decent nights sleep since this mess started." I stood up and Excella followed my lead as I escorted her to the door.
"Alright, good night Albert." she said as she left my quarters.
Once I was sure she was out of the vacinity of my quarters I headed over to my computer and pulled the data sicks out of my pocket. Setting them down a certain one caught my eye, I picked up the one inscribed with "My game against Spencers ambitions" and flipped it over. There was an Emblem of a blue and black snake etched on the back.
"Oh my dear Lotus what did you get your self into. Spencer is long dead and his plans along with him." I mutter to myself.
With a sigh I plugged it into the hard drive under my desk and turned on the computer. After checking to insure there was no spyware on the drive I opened it. With a few clicks the screen change and the snake on the back of the drive appeared on the screen along with some text. It stated to view the files to encrypt the drive with a passcode.
I sighed, "This is just like you Tabitha, always trying to keep stuff under lock and key.".
At first I typed my usual password, William1977, then something struck me and I quickly changed it. Something told me I should protect these files more than most, so I typed something that few would know about. The only ones who could ever figure it out was me and her, and she was gone. Her voice fresh in my ears.

resident evil: arch angel [An Albert Wesker X Oc Story]
AcciónAfter the death of her student, she delves into the depths of insanity to save the one she loved. With her goals pure and her heart set, she knew what she had to do. She had to untwist his mind, break it down, and pull everything from underneath him...